Chapter Eleven - Drew

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Drew and Hudson's plane touched down in Chicago. Patrick was going to drive them back to her family farm. It would be a long night for him, but they had a late practice the next day so he didn't mind. Drew also offered to let him stay on the couch if need be.

"Pat!" Hudson ran towards his godfather and the Blackhawk picked him up and spun him around.

"Hey buddy."

Drew slowly walked towards her son and best friend, trying not to cry. Once she was in Patrick's embrace, she let everything out. He had Hudson on one hip and the other arm was wrapped tightly around Drew.

"Let's go get something to eat before we head out on the road. How does that sound?" Patrick grabbed one of the suitcases from Drew's hand and started out to his car. They quickly grabbed something to eat from Panera and started to Iowa.

Drew tried to hide her crying from Hudson, but it was hard while they were all in the car together.

"Why are you crying mommy?"

"Mommy doesn't feel good. She'll be okay." Patrick tried telling the two year old in the back seat. "Hopefully." He whispered.

Hudson accepted what Patrick had told him and went back to playing on the iPad. Eventually Drew fell asleep, as did her son, and it wasn't long before they were at the Miller family Farm.

Drew's mother came rushing towards her as she climbed out of the vehicle. "Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry." Drew's brother greeted the hockey player and grabbed his nephew out of the back seat.

"Are you staying for dinner Patrick?"

"Sure, if that's alright."

"Of course. I made lasagna." They all went back into the house and went their seperate ways. Patrick followed Drew into her childhood room. She dropped the suitcases and started crying again.

"Everything is going to work out, Drew. I promise." Patrick tried helping the woman crying into his chest. He ran his hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head. "You're going to get through this. I'll be right here with you."

They stood there until Drew's mother called them out to dinner. Hudson was really excited to see his uncle and grandparents. Pat too, but he loved wrestling.

"It's a surprise to see you. Job going well for you?" Patrick started talking to Drew's brother.

"Yeah. I only live about an hour away. I work full time and I'm a wrestling coach at the high school. When I heard Drew and Hudson were coming to town, I couldn't really miss seeing my favorite sister, now could I?" He nudged his sister's side and she barely cracked a smile.

"It's good to see you too."

Drew's parents spent most of their time catching up with Patrick while their children ate. Everyone helped clean up dinner while Drew took a shower. She took the time to let out all of her tears so that she wouldn't break down in front of her son. That's the last thing she wanted.

"I will stay if you need me," Patrick whispered. They were outside the door of her brother's room where he was reading to Hudson.

"I want you here. I just- I think. It's going to be complicated with Hudson. You heard him ask for Beau. How am I supposed to explain this to my two year old son? It's going to confuse him." She was almost in tears again.

"He's two. He's more interested in wrestling with his uncle that he might ask for Beau one minute, but I don't think he's going to understand too much."

"But he might."

"Drew, I need you to listen to me." Patrick gently lifted Drew's chin so he could look into her eyes. "Everything is going to be alright. You are a great mother. Beau is surprisingly a great father. I know that the two of you will work it out, even if you don't stay together. Now, do you want me to stay?"

"Yes, but you have practice tomorrow and you can't keep doing this for me. You're going to get in trouble eventually."

"The team is just happy I'm doing all this instead of going out and drinking all night. Besides, tomorrow is a maintenence day for me. I don't have to head back until around 5. So I'm going to ask you again, do you want me to stay?"

"Patrick, I want you." That was the first time she had ever admitted that to anyone. It was the first time she allowed herself to. The hockey player didn't say anything, just pulled her close so that he could kiss her. "Hold on. I don't know if I'm lonely or I'm just pissed at Beau, but I don't know if this is a good idea."

"We can figure everything out in the morning. If you want to act like nothing happened," he paused. Alreday regretting what was about to come out of his mouth, "then you can go back to Beau and things will go back to the way they were."

"What about Hudson?"

"Hudson is probably asleep with your brother. I can move to the couch before the morning."

"No. No it's fine. I'll text my brother to let him know to wake me up when he leaves so that I can be up with Hudson and he won't find out. I'm sorry. I just want to protect my son."

"Drew, that's understandable. Just trust me. You know I'd never do anything to hurt you or Hudson, right?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Let's just go to bed." He opened the door to Drew's room and helped her change into a pair of sweats and then stripped down to boxers himself.

Patrick crawled into bed next to the crying woman and held her to his chest. "Everything is going to work out Drewbear." She looked up and he wiped the tears from her stained cheeks. Drew reached out and pulled Patrick's face towards hers, their lips colliding. She knotted her hands in his hair and he rolled on top of her.

It had been a while since this last happened and it was like no time had passed.

Drew woke up to a slight knock at the door before her brother walked in. "Hey, Hudson is still asleep but I wanted to give you a heads up before he wakes up and comes in to see his mother and uncle Patrick laying in bed together half naked."

"Ah. Thanks."

"No problem. I'll see you this weekend. If you'll still be here. I'm bringing Kara back with me."

"Yeah. I'll be here. See you then." Drew stretched out and was pulled closer to the hockey player. "Pat. Hey Pat." She tried nudging him awake. "Patrick let go of me and get up before my son sees us."

"Well good morning to you too."

"Patrick I would love to stay in bed with you all day, but I have a son who cannot know about this, even if he doesn't understand."

"Okay. I'll get dressed but not before this." Patrick propped himself up on one arm as he placed kisses along her neck and collar bone.

"Quit." She whined.

"Alright, I'm getting up."

Drew didn't know how she would feel later tonight, but she didn't really care. Eventually she would figure things out. She just wasn't sure when that would happen. For now, she was going to stay with her family and hopefully keep Hudson occupied for a while. As of right now, he was her main priority.

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