Chapter Eight - Patrick

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"Sorry, but our guest room is currently filled." Drew said as Patrick climbed into the car.

"That's fine. Only here for a night anyway. Who's staying at your house?"

"Either Robert or Scarlett. Depends on the night."

"They still fighting?"

"Unfortunately." Patrick sighed. He wanted both of the Bortuzzo's to be there when he told Drew but that probably wasn't going to be possible. "Beau is out with Hudson so it's just me you and Scarlett. Unless she's at the library."

"She's still going to school, right?"

"Yeah, in between all the binge drinking she's been doing."

"We all have our ways of coping."

When they got to the house, Patrick brought in his bag. He wouldn't be staying long and something told him that either Beau or Drew would be getting a hotel room tonight, so he just left it by the door. Scarlett was in the kitchen with a bottle of coke and a half empty bottle of Crown sitting next to it.

"Hey guys." She lazily grinned. "I made soup."

"Before or after you started drinking?" Drew sighed. Patrick looked to her and wasn't sure what to think. He didn't realize that Scarlett was drunk pretty much all the time. If she wasn't right now, she would be soon.

"Before. It's broccoli cheddar." Drew went to the fridge and grabbed the container of soup. She knew that Scarlett's soup was better than most.

They were all sitting down at the table eating, or drinking, when Patrick cleared his throat. "Drew, there's something I need to tell you." Scarlett's eyes widened as she realized what was going to be happening in the next few minutes. She wasn't surprised that he did it without Beau around.

"What is it?"

"Beau has been cheating on you." Patrick studied Drew's reaction. Or lack of one. She gently set the spoon back in her bowl and sighed.

"How do you know?" She asked. Her voice was small and the two others at the table knew she was doing everything in her power not to cry. It was a good thing that Hudson was having a sleepover tonight.

"When they were in Chicago, I saw him with some girl."

"So it was just once?" She looked optimistic and Patrick didn't want to ruin that.

"Robert said it had been a few months."

"You knew about this?" She yelled at Scarlett who flinched at the sound of her voice.

"Yeah. Robert asked me not to tell you.."

"So you did what he asked?" Drew looked hurt that this secret was kept from her for so long.

"Well yeah, he's my husband. I'm going to stay loyal to him." Scarlett poured more crown in her drink, making it stronger. Patrick grabbed the liquor bottle and drank from it.

"You don't even talk to him." Scarlett let that one go, but only because Beau walked in the door.

"Looks like we're having a party." He smiled before seeing his fiancée in tears, glaring at him.

"I'm not drunk enough for this party." Scarlett mumbled, taking another sip of her drink.

"You're such a fucking prick, Beau. I don't know why I love you because apparently you don't love me." This was the angriest any of them have ever seen Drew.

Patrick knew what was coming next. He was waiting for Beau to take it out on him and start yelling. He didn't know what to say. Drew was in all this pain now and he was starting to regret telling her.

"You told her, you asshole." Beau spat. He focused all of his attention towards Kane now. Patrick knew he was smaller, but he was more scared of the hockey player's wife sitting next to him than he was of the Penguin.

"For all you know I could have fucking told her you idiot. Don't blame this on Patrick, you're the one that fucking cheated."

"He's just trying to ruin our relationship."

"You did that pretty fine just by yourself," Drew snapped. She was fed up with everyone yelling and didn't want to see Beau any longer, "I'm going to a hotel." She grabbed her keys and a jacket before leaving.

Beau ran out after her but it was a lost cause. She was leaving and he didn't want to push her further away than she already was.

"Take a seat and stay a while because I am drinking all your booze." Scarlett mixed up a strong drink and passed it to Patrick. "I finally get to get drunk with Kaner. Aww this is going to be a great night."

Patrick stayed silent most of the night, listening to Beau complain about Scarlett's singing and constant chatter. He wanted to call Drew but figured he would wait until the next morning. He knew she was sitting in a hotel room crying and with a couple bottles of wine.

"Is Robert doing okay?" She slurred as she fumbled with the empty coke bottle in front of her.

"No. He's not okay. He wants his fucking wife."

"Whoa. Okay snappy." She started giggling.

"Are you going to just keep running away and ignoring him?"

"Maybe I am. Are you going to stop cheating on your fiancée?"

"We can stay at my house." Scarlett seemed to be really excited about it. "I have a guest room and I get to sleep with my dog again!"

"But isn't your husband home?" All of Scarlett's joy slowly faded. It was obvious that she missed him.

"He can come back with me when I drop both of your drunk asses off at your house."

Patrick was happy to get away from Beau. They hadn't said much to each other and he was glad for that. He felt guilty enough, but at least Drew didn't kill the messenger.

Scarlett walked into the house and was face to face with her husband. She fumbled for words but ended up walking past him to get to the bathroom.

"Okay so this is the guest room. There's extra blankets and pillows in the linen closet there."

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah. Of course. I'm not exactly sober, but I'm always here to listen. Just hold on for a minute." She walked downstairs as Patrick grabbed a couple more pillows and sat on the bed with his back against the head board. Scarlett came in a few minutes later with two bottles of water and sat down beside him. "So what's going on in that head of yours, Kane?"

"I feel bad that she had to find out. I feel bad that I had to tell her. I just, I don't know."

"Patrick, you told her. Ignorance may be bliss, but that doesn't mean it's okay. She needed to know and she'll figure out what to do from there. She's a smart girl." She reached over to squeeze his hand.

"Why won't you talk to Robert? You both look like hell."

Scarlett laughed, not happy that he switched the subject. "Thanks Pat. I know I look like hell. My life is a shitshow but I can't get myself to be in the same room as him because I know that we'll fall into each others arms and it'll just become a viscious cycle until I get pregnant."

"Well, we could fix that problem." He nudged her with his elbow, with a lazy grin on his face.

"Have you seen my husband fight. Poor little Patrick Kane wouldn't stand a chance. Sorry, but I'm a one woman man. Er- one man woman. That's what I was thinking about."

"It was a joke, but I'll remember that."

"Goodnight, Kane," Scarlett got up and stretched, "I'll be upstairs if you need me."

"Goodnight, Bortuzzo."

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