33~ Affinities and History

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33~ Affinities and History


I was the first one in the library. Nathan had to be up early for a patrol route. He figured that since I had to be up as well, he would wake me so I could get an early start. Of course, by waking me early, I was two hours early getting ready.

And once I'm up, I can't fall back asleep. So I waited for Jasper to wake up before taking him to the daycare. From there I went to sit in the library and wait. I listened to the silence the library brought. No one was here this hour of the morning. The only ones that were up were the Warriors on patrol, maybe a mother or two, and the Sorcerers as they got ready.

I heard the door open and borrowed their sight. The person staggered back when they saw me sitting at the table alone. "Oh, good morning, Master Nylein."

I gave a small grin. "Good morning, Elliot. You're the first to arrive today."

"Yeah..." He lowered his head a bit. "I was a little excited and didn't get a lot of sleep. I want to know what this new skill is."

I watched myself tilt my head to the side a bit. "You are older than sixteen, right?"

He nodded and joined me at the table. "Yeah, I'm almost twenty. Does that matter?"

"Yes," I adjusted in my seat. "When a Sorcerer turns sixteen, they're able to use their Affinity."

"What exactly does that mean?" He asked as he leaned forward a bit.

I shook my head and smiled. "I'll explain once everyone arrives. Until then, I need you to be my eyes as I gather the books we'll need."

"Sure thing." We stood and we headed for the section of the library that had been cleared just for our books. I had Elliot stare at the spines as I ran my fingers over them, trying to find the right ones. Each time I found one I needed, I pulled it off the shelf and gave it to him to hold.

When more people entered the library, we had at least twenty books stacked up on the tables.

I heard someone chuckled and Elliot turned. "Are you sure we're going to need all these, Nylein?" Frolyn asked as he scanned through them. "Some of these have super advanced spells in them."

"We'll gloss over those." I said as I finally found the main one I had been searching for. "But the ones that I picked have elemental spells in them, ranging from beginner to expert. Might as well start where we can, right?"

"Right you are," He agreed as Elliot and I headed back for the table. The rest of the Sorcerer apprentices walked in with Leon behind them. We pushed the tables together to form a square, everyone sitting along the outer edge. Books were stacked up every couple of chairs.

I sat at the head of the tables, Frolyn and Leon to my sides. "Good morning, everyone. Today we are going to be learning about Affinities. Some of you won't be able to participate, so you will remain here with me while the others explore their Affinities."

"You're all asking what an Affinity is." I said as Frolyn glanced around the group for me. "An Affinity is basically the ability to use an elemental spell especially well. We have dabbled in some elemental spells, but this is one that we all have a special connection with. The main elements are Water, Weather, Fire, and Earth. There are also sub categories that are associated with the main ones, but we can get into those later."

"Now," I gestured to the many books spread out around the tables. "There are several books about that have many elemental spells in them. Frolyn and Leon know what pages to turn to that will help you discover your Affinities relatively quickly. Sadly, for those of you who are younger that sixteen, you'll have to wait until you can find out what yours is. Alright, now that that's all out of the way, please pick up the books to your left and help Frolyn and Leon carry them to the field. Those of you younger than sixteen, please move closer."

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