Chapter 8

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I underestimated how nice everyone would dress.

When we arrived at the Masquerade I was surprised by all the celebrities that were around, famous people I've seen in the news! All of them dressed in extravagant clothing and here I was in this...average-looking outfit.

Glancing over at Rhett, he was already out the car and I decided to step out too. I regret stepping out though as I was hit so much with lights flying in my face. I could hear people asking me questions and I immediately knew it was the paparazzi.

Except I was more worried for Rhett as I backed up some and felt around for him. When I see him I grabbed his hand fast, and he looked up at me with this worry in his eyes.  Only when his fingers interlocked with mine a grin came to his face, his worries ceasing to exist at that point.

I look back forward, just trying to see the entrance. It was quite some distance away; but I believed the red carpet would lead me to the right place.

"Just follow me, I think I see the entrance." I say into his ear, and he nods fast.

As we walked along, I could feel his tight hold on my hand. I could sense his nerves without even having to look at him. It worried me...more than I think it should've...

I don't know.

I pulled him in front of me, and I guided his step as I moved forward despite him being in front of me. By the time we were inside I already knew there'd be people looking and prying.

Even though we were now inside, he stayed against me. I could feel him breathing in quite heavily and I grin down at him.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah... It just sucks because the designers told me no to my walking stick. So I was absolutely ill-equipped out there. I've never been here and I had no idea where to go." He confesses shyly, chuckling softly as he looked up at me." Would you mind being my guide for the whole you were out there?"

"Of course! I'd love to be your guide..." I find myself saying, having him smiling as he looked back forward.

"If that's the case, I need your help directing me to the table with food. I can smell it from here." He says, and I smile as I begin guiding him to the table. Walking past everyone as they'd look at me like I was a joke, or with this unreadable expression.

Not that I didn't expect these stares, it just hurt to know that they were actually happening. I get it, I stand out like a sore thumb, but still!

As we approached the area I felt Rhett's step slow down some.

"Are you nervous Denzel?"

I shrug, the both of us at the table with all kinds of foods in front of us. I just was going to ignore the people behind me and act like it was just him and me. Though it was kind of hard to do, not going to lie.

I was his guide so I had to pay attention to everything. Kind of conflicted...

"Not really, you don't need to worry about me."

"I can't help it, I want to." He murmurs, causing me to chuckle.

"I'll be honest, I just think they aren't used to someone like me being here with someone like you." I state, and he's looking up at me with a frown.

With his contacts in it really felt like he was looking at me...when he wasn't. It was so odd...

"What's that supposed to mean? You're human just like everyone else. I don't want you to think that about yourself."

"It's stereotypes...I guess. It rubbed off on me-."

"Well rub it off of you. I mean it." He snaps, and I grin as no one has ever argued with me because I was kind of bringing myself down.

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