The Dress for Her

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I walked around the mall sipping my soda that I had gotten from the panda express. We were in our fifth dress store so far, and in all honesty I was board out of my mind. I was never one for "girly" things. But I've slowly started to ease my way back into the girly way of life. But I'd much rather wear skinny jeans and a sweatshirt then a dress. But this was the homecoming dance and I don't think that would be very appropriate.

I sat in a plush pink chair as Britney tried on another dress. "Why haven't you tried on any dresses?" Britney asked from the dressing room.

"Nothing has really caught my eye." I said honestly.

"Well maybe you should just take a leap of faith and try something you never would before." She said stepping out in a green dress. She smoothed the fabric and stood in front of the mirror. She looked beautiful. Her orange hair seemed the burn bright against the fabric, and her eyes matched the color of the dress. "I love this one." She said spinning slightly to see the whole view of the dress. "You should get it!" I encouraged. She smiled and ran to change out of it. She then walked to the register and handed the lady a shiny credit card.

We walked out of the store and I felt so out of place. I want in my world. My world was filled with grass stains, dirty cleats and a soccer ball, not clean and shiny things they had here. Maybe I should just show up to Homecoming in my cleats and shin guards. That would surely be memorable. I laughed at the thought.

We continued to walk through the mall when something caught my eye. I stopped to look inside the store. I walked inside almost as if I were drawn to it. There in the middle of the store was a dress that I knew I was meant for. It was blue with iridescent ruffles. "Try it on." Britney said.

I smiled and grabbed and dashed into the dressing room. I dressed into it and stood in front of the mirror. It was so pretty, it was my dream dress. I stepped out of the dressing room and Britney clapped her hands together. "Oh my gosh it looks beautiful darlin'!"

I spun around to get the feel of it. It was surprisingly comfortable, not as comfortable as my gym shorts and tank top, but pretty close.

I change out of it and stared at the fabric in my fingers. It was so beautiful, but can I afford it? I glanced at the price tag. It was $200... I'm gonna 'take a leap of faith' and buy it. Maybe I can catch someone's eye if I wear this. 

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