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What seems like hours later, Kathy finally drags me away from hand shakers and well wishers. She whisks me into an elevator. We step out and turn a corner. In front of us is a wide double door entrance. Wall height signage reads 'Orenda's Fine Food'. Lines of couples wait in front of a greeting desk. An older woman behind the desk looks up. "Kathy!"

She ignores those waiting and moves to us, giving Kathy a big hug. "Orenda, this is my friend Tammy. Tammy, meet Orenda."

To my surprise, Orenda wraps me in a hug. "Any friend of Kathy's is more than welcome here, but a double gold medal winner doesn't wait in line." She turns and leads us. Couples in line with surprised looks on their faces nod their heads at us as we pass.

Seated opposite Kathy in a corner booth, I express my confusion to everyone's reaction. Kathy smiles, "We're a quasi military organization. As such, medals and awards are highly respected. They don't happen often. Certificates and awards of merit are much more common.

"When at a formal occasion, awards display on your clothes. If you join our rescuers, your medals are on your uniform. Most rescuers retire and never receive a silver or gold medal. You just became a legend here."

She sits back in her seat. "You made history today. Those awards hanging around your neck are our highest awards attainable. They are the equivalent to a Medal of Honour, Victoria Cross, or Freedom Medal. Adjudicators award it for a person who captures the essence of what a rescuer should be. You did that. Knowing what you know, you should've cowered. You did the opposite. You did it without thinking by trying to climb over that railing. Adjudicators choose anyone who is present for an award. Your action in the face of what you thought is certain death moved them. They unanimously choose you.

"The trainee's award is similar. It is for a person who touches their hearts. They award it to a person who inspires them. An instructor or a legendary rescuer usually wins. They normally win a certificate. They don't consult with each other, and it's a secret ballot. The number of people who vote for a single person reflects how high an award is. To achieve a gold medal award, it must be unanimous. To win one gold medal makes you a star. Winning two of them makes you an honoured member of our society.

"No one ever won two gold medals on the same day. To seal your fate, you're here less than twenty four hours. Your instant fame will be right up there with a living princess or movie star. You've a couple of days before everyone will know your face and look at you as a living legend."

I lean back puzzled looking toward the entrance. I spot Katie. She is with another teenage girl. As Katie approaches, she grins, "Hi Kathy. Tammy did you and Kathy ..." She stops a couple of feet away, staring at me.

Her friend pushes past her to hug Kathy, "Hi Grandma." She slides in beside Kathy.

Kathy replies, "Tiana, I'd like you to meet Tammy. She's my new neighbour."

Tiana's hand is reaching across our table as she looks up, "Hi Tam..." Her arm freezes halfway to me.

I reach across to shake her hand, "Hi Tiana, it is nice to meet you."

Katie slowly sits beside Tiana then looks at Kathy, "Kathy, what's going on? Tammy's a temporary resident, right?"

Kathy is grinning, "Ladies, she's already a living legend. Meet my friend Tammy. Please, let's enjoy our meal together."

Kathy explains Orenda is a close friend. Orenda will prepare our meals herself. She always did for Kathy. She is such a good cook her establishment grew up around her. It is a 'go to' spot for many residents, and a favorite for senior rescuer staff.

Orenda who escorted us in, shows up at the foot of our table. Holding thick menus, she turns to me, "Tammy, I'm surprised. Kathy usually brings her friends here on their first day. I've never met you, have I?"

I look up at her, "She has not broken her rule. It is my first day here. She tells me you serve the very best food."

Orenda's head snaps to Kathy. Kathy has a grin on her face. Katie stammers, "Orenda, I escorted Tammy out of ECCU at nine thirty this morning. She's a temporary resident. I think Tammy and Kathy had a very busy afternoon."

Orenda's expression is unreadable. She turns to me with a huge smile, "Tammy, you should visit regularly while you're here. You must be a very special woman. Ladies, if you expect to eat before midnight, I suggest we save what'll be an amazing story for another time. It's your first day. You must be bewildered to say the least. Tammy, I've a nice coffee. I'd like to suggest a special brandy with your medium steak served with grilled onions, potatoes with a light gravy, broccoli, peas, and carrots in a cheese sauce."

Kathy looks at me, "Trust her, her food is exceptional."

I reply, "That sounds delicious. Thank you for making my day a little easier."

Orenda nods, "Smart lady. I know what all of you are having." She abruptly turns and walks away. The menus are still in her hand.

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