Chapter 6: Chains

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I wake up chained to a wall. These boys have to be better than this. A totally different guy walks up. He examines my face like if he was going to have a test on it in 24 hours. Why the hell are their so many! I look around the room to count 6 guys but eyes wasn't there so...7?

This guy that was staring at me was taller than all the other guys I had seen. His eyes were small but could stare you down from across the room. He smiled, he had two little dimples at the side of his cheeks. "Hello princess." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes. Then he frowns. "She definitely looks the part but you say she remembers nothing?" I still have no idea what the hell they are talking about. "Ok so I am going to give you one chance and one chance only. Tell me everything." He says as he stares into my soul. "God ok well I'm 23 my name is y/n my best friend is Maya..." he stops me. "No idiot we already know all this crap. You know what we want." I looked at him with a confused face.

I don't say anything but then I am startled by his voice. "SPEAK!" God I'm not a dog. "I don't know what you want for me you bastard." I yell back at him. He walks towards me holds my face tightly, so tightly it hurts. "Fine then I'm going to get it from you." He let's go on my chin and stabs something into me. "Ah" I yell. It hurt like hell. I feel my right side sting like knives. I look down to see red liquid dripping. Blood!

"Again tell me what I want to know!" I look at him with a nervous look my game face can't stay on, my side hurts to much. " what...the hell you want to...know and...I'll tell you." I say breathing and clutching my fist after every two words from the pain. "When you hear this what is the first thing that comes to your head." He pauses and looks around the room before his eyes meet mine. "Maya" He looked more serious than ever. "Uh my best friend?" I looked even more confused but still in pain. "Ok well then what do you know about you best friend." I am so confused don't they know everything. "Uh don't you know everything or something." He stabs my other side I yell again. "I asked you a question and I want it answered."

I had to stop for a little bit. "Ok um her parents...could careless...about her she...doesn't...have a boyfriend...and she works at on 7th...street." He doesn't look satisfied. "More." I think. "She's 23....she helped me...." he stops me. "What do mean by helped you?" Why is he so interested? "When I had... amnesia she was...only one who...tried to Of course I...didn't know her...but she....still" I say, god my sides hurt. He nods.

"More." What the hell. "I don't...know more." He walks closer to me. "More." He says breathing on me. I am in so much pain and I don't know what to tell him. "I don't know what you want you know where we live I don't know more!" He was about to stab me again, I shut my eyes close tight.

A door slams opens. "You move a muscle and I will kill you myself." I open my eyes to see, eyes. All heads turn to him. "But sir!"( I am going to call him dimples ) Dimples said. "I don't give a fuck at what I said do as I say now!" He must say that a lot. He moves his hands down and dimples nods. "Give her to me." Eyes says. Dimples nods again.

He unties my hands and feet from the chains. I fall to ground and grab my sides. God they hurt. Another man, the one I stabbed with scissors cleans my sides and puts bandages on them. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to change their minds.

I call him scissors.

When scissors was done he looked at me. "Better?" He actually talked to me? I nod. He laughs. "You can talk to me but me only me I won't hurt you, unless you give me reason too." He says. God it was nice but then creepy. He was actually a little nice. I guess.

He blindfolds me again and takes me to another room. His hands were warmer and held me tighter than the other guys. I felt safe with him even though he was pretty much the least buff out of all of them.

God this place must be 15 stories high or something.

Just as a reference to you as the reader:

Eyes= Jungkook

Dimples= Namjoon/Rap Monster

Scissors= Taehyung/ V

Toy= Yoongi/ Suga

When she names all of them I will make another on of these. Or maybe she will learn their real names. I guess you'll have to keep reading.

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