Chapter 21: Pills

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I walked into his office and checked his folders. Everything is as it should be. I being to walk back to the room when I see Taehyung. "Hey Taehyung."

"Oh yeah Y/n." He says stopping by me in the hallway. "Uh y/n?"

"Yes?" I ask he is starring at my collar bone and I glance to see a little mark. Fuck! It's a hickey. My face turns all red and I continue walking.

I hear Taehyung laughing as I walk in my room and close the door. I am full of embarrassment. Plus he's my brother and Jungkook's best friend. Shit. Jungkook notices my face.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asks sitting on the couch eating.

"Taehyung noticed a fucking hickey on my collar bone and it was embarrassing." I slump on the couch next to him.

He laughs "Aww babe. That's kind of funny."

"You think it's funny? Go you to your brother and show him a dang hickey." I defend myself.

"Are you embarrassed to be with me?" He asks finishing his food.

"No of course not. It's just it could have been anyone but it was Taehyung." I say as Jungkook gets up and goes to the kitchen.

He comes back with a bowl of soup and hands it to me. "I would have rathered it be Taehyung because he knows how to shut his mouth. Or Yoongi, he wouldn't have cared."

"I guess you're right." I saw putting a spoon full of soup in my mouth.

He pulls me close as we watch some drama he was watching on the TV. I finished my bowl and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I was almost finished when there was a knock on the door. Jungkook went and opened the door. He stepped out for a minute then came back in. "Hey babe i'll be right back." He says. I nod and he closes the door.

About 2 hours pass and he finally comes back. He comes and sits by me and I turn off the TV so we can talk. "Yeah right back." I joke around but then I see his face and wished I didn't. "What's wrong?"

He sighed then explained. "So they want me to my home town in South Korea for 3 weeks and I leave in 2 hours." He says looking down.

I lift his chin and peck his lips. "It's ok. You have me tied down for life. Come on i'll help you pack." I get up and grab his hand.

We make it to his bed room and we pack his bag. He had about 20 minutes left and he went to say bye to the guys. I am in charge now. It 's going to be weird. But then again we didn't have anything really planned so we should be good.

It was finally time for him to go. We shared a long kiss and he got in the car. I stood there until I couldn't see the car and then walked back into the building. I didn't actually have to do Jungkook's work for another couple hours. I walked into my room and looked at the closed door of my old room. I hadn't been in there since before we left for our mission yesterday.

I didn't go in there for the rest of the week Jungkook was gone. I had close in his room and I wanted to stay in our room. It smelt like him and so did his office. A week and a half went by nothing out of the ordinary happened.

I finally ran out of clothes in Jungkook's room. I walked in my room and grabbed my clothes. I decided to take a shower in my old room just because I was already in here. I took a shower and good lord I needed a shower.

When I got out I changed, did my hair, and all that jazz. I walked out and noticed something on my night stand. I walked closer and sat down on the bed. I picked it up and my head went everywhere. Holy Shit. Is all I could think.

I snapped back to reality here in my hand I hold my pill. MY BIRTH CONTROL PILL! I thought I took it. Shit!

I hurried thorugh my phone to my period app. I should get it sometime next week if I don't. We know what that means. Jungkook gets back next. I could be almost 2 weeks in. I overwhelm my self with questions then my head hurts. I decide I need to get some fresh air. I throw away the pill and walk out to the room.

The big open sky makes my problems seem small which I like. I stare for what seems like hours until Taehyung comes up.

"Thought I might find you here. Jungkook called you but you didn't answer so he wanted me to check up on you." He says standing next to me.

As he was talking I did realize I left my phone in the room. "Oh yeah. I left my phone in my room." I say looking at him but then my problems just smack me in the face and I quickly snap back to the sky to calm me down.

"Ok y/n what's wrong? You having something on your mind and how you have been acting it's big. I am here for you." I says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I don't know what it was the fact that I was overwhelmed, hormones, or both. But once he did I turn around burst into tears. I sat down on my butt and held my knees to my face and just sobbed. I wanted Jungkook I wanted him to tell me everything was going to be ok. Taehyung grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I look up to see he is sitting on the ground with me. He looks confused and worried. I gather my self together to tell him what I can.

"Ok so remember the day Jungkook left." I saying trying to milk it up before getting to the part I can barely think about.


"That day you saw me in the hallway." I manage to spit out but breathing really quickly.

"Yes, but h..Oh my god. Y/n are you?" He says with wide joyful eyes.

I begin to cry. "I don't know and Taehyung I am so so scared." I cry harder.

He holds me. Not like Jungkook but like a brother. "Everything will be okay. I promise." He says still sitting there holding me.

How is what I want to know. How do you know when everything will be ok.

Ooo, what do you think should happen next?

I already know and I think you will like it. 😏


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