Chapter 18: Heart

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I wake up in my bed with an ice pack placed on my forehead. Everything was blurry at first then I manage to gather my sight back. I sat up and placed a hand on my head. God it hurt, and honestly so did my stomach. I looked around the room but no one was there. The door however was cracked open. I turn to stand up. I place my feet on the floor but don't have the strength to stand up. I pull my feet back into the blanket because I am freaken cold.

I look around for medicine or something. My head felt like it was going to explode and my stomach was dead. I was falling back asleep when the door opened more. My eyes widened at who I hoped it would have been walked in.

"Jungkook. What the hell happened to me?" I ask

"I would like to know the same thing. Did the guy give you something or make you smell somthing? I already sent him away I just wanna know." He asks and he sounds, scared almost.

"No nothing uh he works for Maya and they are trying to get into your building for information is what he told me. I did have a headache earlier but nothing like this. Well I say earlier but what time is it." I realize I actually don't know.

"Thank you for the information but why didn't you tell me. I could have had someone else do it. Also it's 1 p.m. You scared me y/n you just collapsed. I thought you died or something. I was freaking the hell out." He stops and brings himself back together. "You need to rest, your fever was high."

I nod "Ok and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I wuv you." I say laying back and closing my eyes. I honestly don't know how I said it but I was tired and my head hurt so I am pretty sure my words were gibberish.

"I love you too." He says walking out of the room.

I heard him and he still sounded concerned but also a little calm. I am turning an international playboy into an international caring boy.

~Jungkook's POV (Last night)~

I was sitting in my office, y/n should be done by now. I was about to go check on her when a loud thud comes from what sounds like a couple feet from my door. I quickly walk over and open the door. WHAT THE HELL! Y/n is on the floor passed out colder than a rock. I rush over to her and hold her to my chest. My heart is beating faster and faster. It feels like it's going to come right out of my chest. I check and she still has a pulse so she's still alive. I take a deep breath in relief. I was on the verge of tears and I haven't cried in over 7 years. This girl makes me crazy.

They other guys come running around the corner shortly after. I tell them to take care of the guy because I know he has something to do with this. They all wanna help but I pick her up and carry her to her room. As I am carrying her I realize she is extremely hot. In temperature, although she is very sexy maybe not like this but in general. I lay her in the blankets and pull out a thermometer. It read 104.9 degrees. No wonder she collapsed she over heated by a lot. I run back to my office and grab a special medication. Something similar happened to Jimin once and this helped. I quickly give it to her but she is still out cold. I also notice a small little bruise when she hit her head.

I place an ice pack on her head and sit there with her for a little bit. God I was running back and fourth for her. I was going to cry because I though he was dead? I see dead people all the time. I really love this girl.

I walk out to get a drink of water and clear my head. I sit on the couch for a moment but a moment went a little longer than I thought. I ended up falling asleep on the couch and not walking up until tomorrow.


It had been a couple days and I felt much better. Jungkook finally let me do things by myself. He wouldn't let me cook for my self or even go to work. Now he does but he was very protective. I like that. I don't want him to change ever. I love him a lot. I would do the same thing for him.

Hola, I am really happy about his book. I hope you like it as much as I like it.


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