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The four friends were stood outside of the bedroom, empty cups pressed against the door so they could hear.

"I love you Wocky, always have."

"I love you too Zuma and I always will."

"Yes!" Skye and Everest fist pumped. "The ship has set sail!" Skye smiled.

"Crap. They're coming. Scramble." Marshall hissed, causing the quartet to run down the stairs as if their lives depended on it. Just as they had reached the kitchen, they heard footsteps coming down to the lower floor. Rocky and Zuma appeared in the doorway as Chase and Marshall fixed up coffee and Skye and Everest leaned forward on their elbows, eager to hear the gossip.

"Morning you two." They smirked. Zuma blushed as Rocky held his hand and looked down, smiling.

"Well befowe I tell you guys anything, I guess I should say I'm not stwaight."

"We know."

"What do you mean you fucking know?!" Rocky was giggling behind a confused Zuma while the others explained that he wasn't very subtle when he checked anyone out.

"But you're together now?" Skye pressed on.

"Yeah. But because I've not 'come out' yet it's it's kinda gonna be a secwet fow a bit." The brunette smiled, pulling Rocky into his side. The shorter of the two boys smiled and snuggled into his lovers side. Zuma leaned down and kissed the top of Rocky's head. Skye squealed and clapped her hands while Everest sneakily snapped a picture of the two.

"Everest I swear if you post that!" Zuma warned, still holding Rocky tightly.

"I won't. Not until you're ready for me to" she held her hands up in surrender.

"Anyway, my parents will be home this afternoon so we've gotta clean this place up." Marshall said, handing out coffee to everyone. Chase groaned and rested his head on the island in the kitchen.

"Hungover babe?" Skye asked, rubbing his back.

"What do you think?" He mumbled. Skye rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head slightly. She always told Chase to go easy on the alcohol, but did he listen? No.

"If anyone finds my missing fake nail can they give it back?" Skye asked, noticing one missing from her ring finger.

"Just buy new ones." Zuma shrugged.

"No." Everyone else's heads shot up.

"All her drawers are practically full of them." Rocky explained.

"Well primark shouldn't make them so cute and so cheap." The blonde nodded.

"Alright guys come on, let's get to work." Marshall handed out a few black bags and the group set to work, cleaning the carnage from the previous night.

"Hey," Zuma pulled Rocky back before they left the room.



"Yeah." Rocky smiled, standing on his tiptoes to kiss the brunette.

"I'm glad."

Meant To Be  - A Rocky X Zuma Story Where stories live. Discover now