Everything Was Going to Be Okay

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After searching every row and table in the library I decided that Logan couldn't be here. I had even called out to him a few times just to make sure I hadn't missed him. I turned towards the door, ready to leave.

What if you missed him? That's impossible, I rationalized. I had searched everywhere. Did you really look everywhere? What if you missed a spot? I groaned and turned back to the shelves. I was almost positive that I hadn't skipped anywhere but the 'What Ifs' continued to eat at my brain.

I made a second round, keeping my eyes wide for any other person but I seemed to be the only one in here. This time I ignored the intrusive thoughts and left the library. I decided to head for the kitchen to see if any of the others had found him.

Roman was at the table, tapping his fingers on the hard surface. He raised to his feet once he saw me.

"Did you find him?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Nothing from you, I'm guessing." He sighed and sat back down. I pulled the chair opposite of his and sat down.

"No one has seen him, none of us, or the lesser sides, or Thomas." A streak of panic went through my gut. Something was wrong. Logan would never just disappear like that.

"What about Patton? Where's he at?" I questioned. Princey leaned back in his chair and tilted his head upwards.

"Nope, he's not back yet, hopefully he found Logan though." Another weird feeling. Now my hands were shaking. I held them up, palms down before balling them into fist to try and stop them. My already aching head doubled in pain.

A pair of warm hands were laid on mine. I looked up to meet Princey's eyes. He gently set my hands on the table and covered them with his own.

"Hey, Virge. It's going to be okay. Logan was probably so tied up in one of his projects that he went out and forgot to leave a note or something. And Patton will be back any second, the garden is pretty large and he probably just wanted to make sure that he covered it all. Everything is going to be fine."

I nodded and swallowed hard. Your fine, Virgil. Everything is fine. I looked down at Roman's hands over mine. His touch was warm and comforting. He was real and he was right here in front of me, everything was going to be okay.

"I'm back, kiddos," Patton declared as he walked in the door. On instinct I jerked my hands away and back to my sides. Princey slowly leaned back into his chair and clasped his hands together on the table in front of him. Heat rushed through my face.

"Did you find him, Pat?" Roman looked away from me and at the figure that had just entered. Was it just the lighting or did Princey's cheeks have a light dusting of pink?

"No. He wasn't in the garden. Any luck with you guys?" I kept my head down. Where could Logan be then? Princey also didn't say anything. Patton smiled and opened his arms wide. "Well I'm sure he's fine. He will probably be back soon. Maybe he just needed some time to himself. Just like you do sometimes, Anxiety."

"Yeah, maybe," I mumbled. I looked up at Patton and studied him. He had seemed so worried this morning and now he was acting like it didn't matter. More was bothering me too but I just couldn't place it.

"If he's not back by tonight, we will search some more," Roman concluded.

"Sounds great!" Patton agreed. I stood up and made my way to the door.

"I'll be in my room if you need me," I said. I barely caught what Pat said as I left.

"Okay, Anxiety." For some reason it made the hairs on the back of my neck raise. 

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