Back to the Barrier

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We traveled through the dark streets, walking slowly so we didn't catch anyone's attention. I had my hood up and my bangs hanging in my face in case anyone decided to come outside to the abandoned street. Deceit sauntered around like he owned the place. It wasn't surprising considering his position with the dark sides.

I jumped at every noise and every shadow on each broken down shack. Just being here rose my anxiety a few dozen notches. I didn't like to think about that time but it's all that it reminded me of. Back when I followed Depression. Back when we found Deceit in a dirty alley and befriended him. Back to all the planning and dreaming. To all the sideways glances from Deceit when Depression turned his back and the way he would follow him anywhere. 

Things had changed so much since then, I reminded myself. There was no more dreaming only planning, and Deceit no longer wandered at Depression's side like a lost puppy. I felt sorry for him. Even after all these years of it being unrequited, he still loved my twin. 

"Just past this house," Deceit mumbled. The village used to be farther away but it had been slowly moved; away from the castle and even closer to the dull light from the barrier.

Sure enough, we turned the corner and there it was. The dark glowing wall that seemed to vanish if you looked at it for too long. Like always it took my breath away. I hadn't been this close to it in two years when I had heard Roman's screams as the darkness clouded everything else out. 

"Are you ready?" Deceit asked. I gave a slight nod and slid the sleeve of my hoodie up to expose my hand. Then slowly I placed it on the barrier. It was cold to the touch and sent a tremor through my body. I could feel the raw energy racing through it.

Deceit stepped up beside me and joined his hand next to mine. We met eyes and I nodded to him. I closed my eyes and let the energy start to drain out of me.

"There they are!" Someone yelled. I turned to see several palace guards running towards us. I began to panic. No, we just needed a little longer.

"Deceit," I called. "You need to go through now!" 

"No, Anx. I can't. There's not enough. His hand fell from the surface and the black hand mark faded away. 

"No! We can't give up!" I cried. "Not now." I closed my eyes again and focused on everything I could to the stupid barrier. 

"I'm not giving up, Anx, look. Your hand. It shouldn't be possible but you're doing it," he mumbled. I looked up at my hand which was buzzing with energy. Slowly, like a stain, the barrier became more solid looking and a bright, electric purple.

The barrier had always reacted the same to all the dark sides. It was always black. I had only seen it change like this once when a Light side had touched it.

"Anxiety go!" Deceit yelled.

"No. I can't, Deceit you go," I tried to argue but with rough hands, he hit me in the back and I stumbled forward, through the barrier and clumsily onto the floor before I passed out. 

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