Never Again

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"Can I go yet?" Everyone's head turned in my direction. I was sure we had only been brainstorming for an hour or two but it felt like forever and this meeting was getting us nowhere. 

"Are you sure you don't want to put your creative ideas into it? We don't have much so far and could use your help," Thomas tried. Stay here and stay quiet or go to my room where they wouldn't expect me to come up with bland ideas to make the next video enjoyable. In my room I could sleep and forget everything.

"We need to finish this soon. It has been months since our last videos, Roman. The Fanders are getting anx..... inpatient to see what happens," Logan added.

"Can't disappoint the kiddos," Patton exclaimed. I let out a sigh and nodded.

"I can't do anything, my brain is frozen. Nothing good is coming to me at the moment but if anything new is developed I will write it down and make sure you are informed. I just need a break for a bit," I persuaded. 

Logan turned his wrist to check his watch before meeting Patton's eyes. Patton though was oblivious to Logan's obvious attempt at nonverbal communication and turned to me.

"Of course! Take a break. You don't want to exhaust yourself." I glanced over at Thomas as he started humming a Hamilton tune and tried to stay out of the conversation. "You seem so tired lately and could use the sleep, Kiddo. Maybe one of your dreams will give us a better idea for the video." He smiled as Logan nudged his shoulder. 

Without waiting for the Nerd to intercede I pushed my chair out and stood up. I stacked the few blank pieces of scrap paper in front of me and added them to the shrinking pile in the middle of the table. I spun on my heels and headed to my spot by the T.V. before sinking down and entering the Mind.

Finally alone I ran my hands through my hair and cringed at its greasiness. When had I last washed it? When I had taken a shower I was sure I had shampooed and conditioned but when had that been? I knew I should do just that but I didn't feel like it. It seemed like a lot of work when I would just be going to bed.

Deciding that I would deal with hygiene later my feet carried me towards my room. My mind wandered around restlessly. Instead of turning the knob of my dingy white door I kept walking down the hall and turned the corner. I was vaguely aware that I may be getting lost but I didn't care. Maybe I would find a secret entrance to the Dark side and I would catch a glimpse of him. I wondered how I would react after over two years. Did he still love me? No, I couldn't think like that.

A flash of purple light caught my attention and my hand flew to my belt. Then I realized that my sword wasn't on my hip. Where had I left it this time? Maybe in the pile of clothes or had I shoved it in the closet with all the other junk? I wasn't sure.

I crept forward to find the source. The hairs on the back of my neck were on end. A sense of deja vu crashed down on me. When had I been in this part of the Mind? It looked like any other corridor, maybe a little darker but still the same grey walls and winding floors. So why was my stomach churning?

I held my hand up as I turned the corner and was blinded by a bright flash. I squinted trying to see what had caused it when it faded to purple before dimming until it disappeared completely.

Everything clicked together like a puzzle as I saw where I had wandered to. The hallway was ended abruptly by a shadowy, transparent barrier. Through it, I could see the shambles of a village, the same one we had run through that night. The same alley where I had last seen him. As the memories hit I threw my eyes to the floor. 

I gasped as I saw the body. They were on their stomach down. Their face was covered by faded purple bangs and a dark hoodie. Their hand was out, palm up, in my direction as if begging for me to take it.

"Virgil," I whispered. No. That couldn't be possible. He couldn't cross the border because he was a Dark Side. "Virgil," I called, rushing forward. It didn't matter how but he was here, right in front of me.

I gently flipped him over to reveal his lovely face. The same shaggy bangs, the same pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. I let the tears flow freely as I cradled him in my arms and ran my fingers through his hair. I could feel his heart beating in his chest as I hugged him closer, calming one of my fears. He was here and he was alive.

"Virgil. I've missed you so much my Emo Nightmare," I whispered as my tears fell onto him. I needed to get him out of here. I needed to get him to Logan who could tell me what was wrong and help.

I slipped my hands under his knees and at the small of his back, cradling him close to me. He felt lighter than I remembered and colder too. Even through his jacket and jeans, I could feel the chill in his bones.

"Everything's going to be okay. I'm here, Virgil, and I'm never letting you go again," I promised as I made my way back down the grey hallway. 

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