Nice to Meet You ... Again

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"W-who are you?" Saya asked

No sooner had she said this, a stranger rolled out from under the truck. "Bonjour! " he said

"Um ... hi?"

"Tu ne comprends pas le français? "

"I don't understand your language!" Saya replied

The stranger man grinned "Hello," he said "I haven't seen you around, I'm Subaru Yuki," He held out a dirty black smudged hand for Saya to shake. Seeing as she was already covered in dirt, and it was the polite thing after all, Saya shook his hand.

"I'm Saya Komoto," she said

"Saya? You're joking!" Subaru exclaimed

"Um, no, I'm pretty sure that's my name,"

"I used to date your babysitter," said Subaru "I saw you when your were just a little toddler!"

"You dated ... Yume?" Saya compared the dirty, startling man with Yume, stars and universes greater then all the babysitters in the world! "No way,"

"Believe it," Subaru grinned "Hasn't she talked about me?"

"Not once,"

"Ah, figures (Boiled Octopus)" Saya didn't quite catch that last part, but nothing she came up with made sense. "Anyway, can you hand me that wrench?"

"Wrench! Right! Um ..." Saya looked around, it took longer then it should have to remember it was in her hand. "Here you go,"

"Thanks," Subaru said with a wink "Hey, before you go, could you pass on a message to your babysitter for me?"

"A message?" Saya echoed

"Yeah, tell her that I'd like to see her again and maybe we can reconnect?"


"Pass it on will ya?" Without waiting for a reply, Subaru rolled back under the truck "Nice seeing you again,"

Saya sighed "Likewise,"


"Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques! " Saya sang to herself as she admired her handiwork on her knees. She felt so responsible and mature somehow. Mainly because she used the kind of bandages you wrap around your body and it reminded Saya of what people did on shows sometimes. "Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Sonnez les matines! Sonnez les matines! Ding, ding, dong !Ding, ding, dong! "

Saya applauded herself and wondered on the next song she should sing next. As she clicked the heels of her sneakers together, she decided on STARDOM!  But before she could sing a single note, Saya was suddenly startled by the sound of the front door opening then closing again quickly and loudly. Emerging from the mud room, to Saya's relief, was Yume and thankfully not a very rude person who saw joy in opening the closing doors.

"Yume!" Saya exclaimed happily, not noticing the distress on her babysitter's face "Do you want to sing -"

"Shh!" Yume hissed then suddenly darted for the windows, closing the curtains as fast as she could.

"What are you doing?" Saya asked, feeling nervous

Yume let out a breath after shutting the last curtain "I'm ... sorry," she said "I'm sorry, Saya. I just thought I saw someone out there,"

"Who?" Then Saya remembered "Oh, you must mean Subaru?"

Yume turned to Saya "Sounds like you've met him,"

"Oh yeah," Saya nodded "He wanted me to deliver you a message, he said he wanted to get reconnected,"

Yume's eyes widened "He said that to you?!" she cried, dumbfounded. Saya nodded. "Well, that is just ... typical," Yume let out a sigh.

Saya felt incredibly curious. She had not believed Subaru when he said that he and Yume dated, he didn't seem her type, but seeing how Yume was reacting to him, it could only be true.

There came the sound of the door opening and closing again (but it was less rude then how Yume did it). This time, Saya's mother, Kaoru, came into the room with arms full of groceries. "Hello Saya!" she said with a smile "Can you help me get the rest of the groceries out of the car?"


Saya sat up and helped Kaoru with the rest of the groceries out of the car, then into the kitchen, then out of the bags.

"Hey Mom," said Saya as she grabbed two jugs of milk "Did Yume ever date someone named Subaru?"

Kaoru smiled as she placed boxes of cereal into one of the cupboards "Not exactly," she replied "But Subaru did used to live on Aikatsu Street, but he left in that old truck of his to become a famous musician. You were a bit too young to remember,"

"Oh," Saya said as she closed the fridge and started to put away a bunch of bananas "I do remember that Kanata had an older brother. But did Subaru and Yume ... were they ... ever ... boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Not officially. Everyone thought they might but he left when there relationship seemed to be getting serious,"

"Why? Was he afraid of dating or something?" Saya laughed at her own joke but apparently it wasn't as funny as she wanted it to be

Kaoru shrugged "Who knows?"

"Why is he back?"

"Who knows?"

Saya frowned, not enjoying the lack of answers and turned to Yume who was oblivious to Saya and Kaoru's conversation. Instead, Yume was pacing around the living room and scowling whenever she looked out the window.

"Will he leave if Yume REALLY wants him to go?" Saya asked. She knew she didn't like being somewhere where she was not wanted.

"Probably not," Kaoru replied "But you don't have to worry about them. That's their business,"

"Yeah ..." But Saya still needed answers, and no matter what came out of her mouth she knew, deep down inside, that she would get those answers no matter what.


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