The Main Five

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One week before the wedding. Only one week before the wedding, and yet, nearly all the guest had arrived on Aikatsu Street, egar to return to their old home. There were the Arisugawa Triplets (Otome, Mikuru, and Sakura), the Kurosawa Twins (Rin & Rei), all four of the Hanazono Sisters (Kirara, Kaira, Ivy, Stella), the Kasumi Family (Yozora and her husbnad - Michael - & daughter Fee, Asahi, Mahiru [and Kusuka]), the Igarashi Siblings (Kaede, Nozomu, Kazu, Suzu), the Nikaido Sisters (Yuzu & Haruka [+ Yuzu's fiance Lycao]), the Sakuraba Sisters (Tsubasa & Laura), and everyone's friend, Koharu Nanakura. There were more people on Aikatsu Street then there ever was in Aikatsu Street History.

"ARIA!" The Arisugawa triplets exclaimed as they ran over to give Aria a hug.

"Girls!" Aria cried as she was caught up in a three way hug.

"Hey! If Kirara doesn't get a hug then it will be totally BAH!!" Kirara cried.

"Kirara!" Aria made her way over to her friend. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Me too!" said Kirara. "Sorry Hiro couldn't come, but his aunt's wedding comes first, right?" Hiro was Kirara's boyfriend and also a helper at the Hanazono Plantation. Aria had met him and was found of him and was sad he couldn't make it, but was happy his aunt was getting married.

"Right!" Aria nodded.

"Aria!" said Otome. "Can I just say how happy we are that you're getting married. It's ... so ... Love You - no - better then Love You, it's -"

"Are you going to cry?" Sakura asked softly.

"YES!" Otome exclaimed, bursting into tears.

"Now, now, Otome," said Mikuru, "the wedding isn't for another week so save your tears,"

"I'm trying! Aria! LOVE YOU!"

"I love you too Otome," Aria said with a smile.

"HARUKA WANTS A HUGE TOO!!" Haruka cried as she ran over and nearly toplled Aria with her hug.

"IT's ... great to see you to Haruka," said Aria.


"Yuzu!" Yozora exclaimed, running over to meet Yuzu.

"Yozora!" Yuzu exclaimed, running over to meet Yozora.

The two hugged as Hime and Tsubasa came over. "Oh it's so great to see you again!" said Yuzu.

"It's great to see you too Yuzu!" Yozora said. "And Hime! Tsubasa! Hi!"

"Hello, Yozora!" said Tsubasa. "How are Michael and Fiona?"

"They're great! Fee has been such a joy to Michael and me. She has such soft skin and quite the pair of lungs, I think she could be an opera singer,"

"Oh my," Hime laughed. "And Yuzu, you're getting married next summer, right?"

"Yep! But this isn't about my marriage, this is all about your little sister and Nozomu!" Yuzu said.

"Of course," said Tsubasa. "But for the record, I always thought you would be dating a lawyer,"




Everyone soon unnotisiably broke into groops. Mainly, the reunion group, the batchler party group, and the five girls who wanted to get ice cream together group.

"A double choclate brownie sundae complete with cherry!" Mahiru said, licking her lips at the treat as she, Yume, Laura, Koharu, and Ako sat together at a booth in the ice cream shoppe. "Oh, come to mama!"

"I am amazed you can eat all of that choclate," said Ako.

"I'm amazed that you can't, Ako," said Yume.

"Well we all have our prefrences," said Koharu.

"Hmm-Mmm," Laura nodded as she took a lick out of her sour konobu cone.

"So Laura, hows London?" Yume asked.

"Awesome!" Laura said with a grin. "You should come! Tsubasa and I rod the London Eye once, it is scarry high though, I actually blacked out,"

"Aww," The girls made sympathetic sad faces.

"Well that's me, what about you girls?" Laura asked.

"Tutoring work is going great at the college," said Ako. "I'm also seeing if I could help out with the theater in Aikatsu University,"

"I think you should go for it, Ako," said Koharu. "You're a great actress!"

"And a great tutor!" Yume added. "Especially with some help from Kanata. Speaking of which, didn't you two go on a date a couple days ago,"

Ako blushed. "I will neither confirm or deny that staement,"

"That's a yes," said Mahiru. "And if we're moving onto the subject of dates, I think my relationship with Kusuka is going smoothly,"

"Yeah, I met him," said Laura. "We talked for about a minute, he seemed ... introverted,"

"He's just a little socially awkward," Mahiru replied. "Oh yeah, and, Yume, Subaru's back,"

"Yep," Yume said with a nod as she took a bite out of her parfeit.

"Anything to say about that?" Koharu asked.

"Well ... I don't know," Yume said. "All these feelings are coming back. I feel like my heart is taking me one way but my head still isn't sure,"

"Hmm," Laura nodded. "Well God only knows what will happen between you two,"

"True," Ako said with a nod. "But honestly, it's expected,"

"How so?" Yume asked.

"He's had a crush on you since we were kids," Ako admitted. "Um, you didn't hear this from me, but he was kind of jealous when you started spending all your time with Laura again back in primery school,"

"Oh," Yume made a sad smile. "(The Boiled Octopus) I could hardly tell. He got a plastic gumball ring for my birthday, and he made me  pay for it. But whatever, it's burried with everything else that happened that summer,"

"But Aria and Nozomu are the ones getting married soon," Koharu reminded all of them.

"Yes!" They all exclaimed.

"Oh I'm so excited and so sad all at the same time," said Yume. "It's just, I'm happy for Aria but at the same time I want everything to stay as it is!"

"I know," Mahiru nodded, "I felt the same way when Yozora married Michael. I felt it a little bit when Fee was born, but I was more happy then sad,"

"Oh Fee is so cute!" said Koharu.

"I know!" said Yume. "But I think all babies are adorable,"

"No one is cuter then Fee," said Mahiru. "The only baby cuter then Fee will be my own kids,"

"True," Laura said with a laugh.

"To the future then?" Yume asked as she held the glass that held her parfeit.

"To the future!" Ako said with a shrug.

The girls all held their treats in the air and let them clink before placing them back onto the table.

"To the future!"


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