Digging Pups & Shovel Races

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Dear Diary,

               Things are pretty okay here, Yume and Subaru aren't fighting anymore. I guess if you ever want someone to like you again you have to make them laugh. But neither of them will tell me what happened between them. They say that Subaru "just left" but what would make him leave? I don't understand. Also it snowed yesterday and now the whole town is covered in snow.

Love, Saya


Saya looked at her driveway with victory in her eyes. Two hours of shoveling and it all came to this! She had done it! Not a single snowflake was to be seen. "VICTORY!!" Saya exclaimed, stretching out her arms.

A rusty old truck started to drive past Saya. "Nice work, Little Lady!" Subaru called from the car.

"Thanks!" Saya called back "Where are you going? You're not leaving already, are you?"

"Not as long as you and Yume are here," Subaru said with a wink, Juice & Compass poking their heads from the back.

"Yume's not here," Saya informed him.

"Oh. Then I'm out!"

"Wait!" Saya ran over to Subaru's truck, careful not to slip. "You're not really leaving are you?"

"No," Subaru said, shaking his head. "I'm helping Henry Bokerdole shovel his driveway. He has a really big one you know,"

Saya nodded, she knew Henry lived deeper in The Woods and a bit further away from Aikatsu Street. She couldn't imagine having to shovel it all.

"Um ... do you need help?" Saya asked

Subaru blinked "You don't have to do that, it's a really big driveway -"

"I know, that's why I want to help! Can I?"

Subaru smiled. "Sure, hop it!"


Saya and Subaru wasted no-time getting to work. Subaru got as close as he could in his truck then parked by the huge snow covered road they had to shovel. "Henry is at the other end," Subaru informed Saya as he took a shovel, Juice beside him "We'll start here and try to make our way to the middle. It can be a race and see who gets closer,"

"I like races," Saya commented, getting a firm grip on her shovel with Compass by her side.

"Great. So ... ready ... set ... GO!"

Saya stabbed her shovel into the snow, in an unprofessional manor, and let out a small cry of pain. "Ouch,"

"You okay?" Subaru asked

"I'm fine. I just made an amateur move, that's all," Saya took her shovel out of the snow

"How about this," said Subaru "Could you shovel what the dogs are digging up?"

Saya turned to Juice & Compass, the two adorable bulldogs were digging up the snow, leaving a pile of dirt behind them. "Aww! So cute!" Saya squealed

"Yeah," Subaru nodded "I had to teach them that last year after a Christmas concert we did!"

"Wow! Cool! Um, sure, I'll help!" Saya began to shovel the piles of snow Juice and Compass were forming to the side. Saya also saw how fast Subaru was at shoveling. With Subaru's shovel powers, plus the help of Juice, Compass, and Saya, they quickly took out a could line of snow. Then another, and another, another. After taking down a few yards of snow, they put the shovels in the truck and began moving forward.

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