Saya's Dream

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Saya starred at the cieling, now and then turning to see Yume. Yume was asleep now, but Saya couldn't get the image of Yume crying out of her mind, she couldn't push aside the possibility that it was Subaru's fault she was crying. Had he said something to her? Or was Yume just sad? What if she was sad that Subaru was going to leave after the wedding.

Saya was going to miss Subaru too. She had grown attached to him and Juice & Compass. But the idea that Yume and Subaru were once boyfriend and girlfriend - or - not-exactly BF & GF, it had made Saya wonder if Subaru was good enough for Yume. Yume was galaxies greater then a lot of people, second to Kaoru, of course.

Saya decided to write it all down before she went to sleep. She got up, went over to her bag and took out her diary, pen, and a torch. Then she began to write.


Dear Diary,

             It's the middle of the night. Yume started crying and she woke me up. I think Subaru has something to do with it, but I shouldn't blame him. I really like Subaru, he gave me a lockit today, I'm gonna miss him when he leaves. But, Subaru keeps trying to date Yume, I'm still not sure if he's right for her yet. I should test him later. Maybe Tetsuya can help!

- Saya


Saya put the book, pen and torch aside then tried to sleep.


Saya looked around. She was in a hall, with a slight beeping sound coming from somewhere. It was a hospital. It was a dream.

"Where am I?" Saya wondered out loud. She hoped it was a dream and not that she had suddenly woken from a coma.

"Stay close, Subaru," Came a voice from behind Saya. Saya turned around and gasped. It was Mrs. Yuki and Subaru ... but younger. They walked past her, giving no indication they knew she was there.

"This is freaky," said Saya.

Saya started to follow behind a young Mrs. Yuki and young Subaru. Saya had never thought Mrs. Yuki was old, she didn't really look old, but seeing how she used to look when she was younger ... Saya almost wanted to cry. Why had Mrs. Yuki gotten older? But the young Subaru ... in this dream, he wasn't twelve or eleven like Saya, he looked about two or three and he was so cute! His sky-blue eyes looked around the halls, filled with wonder.

"Are you excited to see the Nijinos new baby?" Mrs. Yuki asked her son as they past a sign that read 'Maternity Ward'.

"Baby boy!" said Subaru. At least, that's what Saya thought he said.

"No, no," Mrs. Yuki shook her head and laughed "This is a girl. Can you say girl?"

"Burr!" Subaru said with a smile, acting like he was cold. "Brr!"

"No, we're not cold," said Mrs. Yuki "Girl! Girl!"

"G .... girl ..." Subaru said with a bit of effort.

"There you go!" Mrs. Yuki gave her son one last smile before walking into a room with an open door. "This is it!"

Mrs. Yuki and Subaru entered the room, Saya quickly followed behind. It was a hospital room, there was Mrs. Nijino (looking just as surprisingly young as Mrs. Yuki) and Mr. Nijino, he too looked strangely younger, and little Hime! Hime looked about Subaru's age.

"Kyoko!" Mrs. Yuki exclaimed softly. "Masaru! How are you doing?"

"Great, thank you, Libby," Mrs. Nijino said with a smile. She was lying in a hospital bed, wearing a hospital robe and holding a bundle of blankets in her arms. "And you brought Subaru too, hello!"

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