Wedding Bells

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Dear Diary,

           Sorry that I haven't written in a while, I've been crying all week. But don't worry, I'm doing great.
           To start off, Yume's getting married! She's marrying Subaru! The two of them are going off with Juice & Compass and are going to be traveling singers! I am just loosing my mind! I'm really happy that Yume is getting married, and I have never seen her so happy in all my life! But ... I'm really, really, really, really, really, really going to miss her!
             On the bright side, Mr. & Mrs. Yuki are going to be watching me instead of Yume. And Mom says that when I'm older I can watch myself! Also, I'm going to be the ring barror for Yume & Subaru and Tetusya is going to be the ring barror for Aria & Nozomu. Yay!

Love, Saya!


Saya was just in-love! In love with who? The entire day! Well, except for the morning.

Saya had awoken to find that all the last minute decorations on the cul-de-sac were complete! The other day, chairs and benches were set up on the streets of, well, Aikatsu Street. They were all facing the entrace of the Nijino home with a beautiful arch on their door. This was where the seremony was going to be held and then the party would move to the Igarashi home. But this morning, flowers had been added to decorate the seats and the arch along with ribbons and lace! There was a long beautiful white carpet that made an aisle leading from the last row of seats to the Nijino's front door. And to top it all of, there was a piano ready for Hime to play as everyone walked up the asile.

After a rushed morning of Saya's mother having to pull her hair out till it was straigt and clean, not to mention the uncomfterble dress Saya had to wear, Saya could finally take a breath to adore the scenery she had before her.

Saya decided to take the extra time she had practicing her speech while walking around, looking at all the decorations. "Hi Saya!" Tetsuya called as he ran over, formerly dressed, hair sleek.

"Hi Tetsuya," said Saya.

"Hey, nice dress,"

"It hurts," said Saya. "You look dapper also,"

"It hurts,"

The two friends laughed. "So what are you doing?" Saya asked.

"Stuff," Tetsuya said. "Waiting. Kaede gave me this fancy pillow!" Tetsuya showed off the decorated pillow he had been given. "I think Hime is suppose to give you yours,"

"I'll get it later," Saya replied. "I still have fourty minutes,"

"Hi guys!" said a union of two voices. Those voices were soon followed by Ivy & Kaira, walking over in their matching dresses, except, Kaira's dress had a pink ribbon and Ivy's sash was indigo.

"Hi guys," Saya replied.

"Hello Saya! Tetsuya!" said Kirara as she came over to join her sisters (wearing a beautiful bridesmaid outfit too), along with little Stella (she was also wearing a beautiful dress). "We were going to go check up on the brides, want to come with us?"

"Sure," said Saya.

"Sure, I guess," said Tetsuya.

"Can I wear a wedding dress?" Stella asked.

"When you find a spouse, sure, why not?" Kirara answered.

"What's a spouse?" Stella asked.

The six of them took the backway into the Nijino home. Kirara knocked on the back door, Mrs. Nijino answered. "Oh my!" Mrs. Nijino exclaimed. "You all just keep coming! Can't you wait until the wedding?"

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