Spring Fever

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"Run!" Tetsuya cried as he dashed through the playground and took Saya's hand "Come on!"

"Hey!" Saya planted her feet into the ground. She didn't feel like going anywhere, she was quite tired and didn't feel like playing games. "What are you doing?"

"I'll explain later!" Tetsuya cried "But we really need to -"

"There you are!" Kaira and Ivy exclaimed

"Hide, " Tetsuya finished too late as the twins came over to meet them

 "Hi guys," Saya said politly

"Hi!" They said in unison

"We were wondering what you were doing for spring break," said Ivy

"Cause we were wondering if you would want to visit us at the farm!" said Kaira

"We're having a hoedown!" Ivy exclaimed as she handed Saya a handmade invitation.

"There's going to be corn and mash potatoes!" said Kaira

"And Mommy is making homemade ice cream!" said Ivy

"YUMMY!!" the girls sighed

Ice cream did sound good to Saya. It was so creamy and soft like a pillow, pillows she could sleep on. She felt like sleeping right then and there if it wasn't so hot.

"Hello!" said Kaira, waving her hand in front of Saya

"Earth to Saya!" Ivy added

"Huh?" Saya looked "Did you say something?"

"Are you okay?" Tetsuya asked

"Yeah, I'm just tired,"  Saya rubbed her eyes hard, hoping she could wake herself up "But why are you two asking now? Spring Break isn't until another week,"

"Mummy said we had to ask so she could make enough food," said Kaira "But you should come! There's music, sheep, and ice cream!"

"With chocolate chips!" Ivy added "Will you come?"

"I can't," Tetsuya answered "My parents are sending me to day-camp for Spring Break,"

"Aw," Ivy frowned "Pooh,"

"What about you, Saya?" Kaira asked

"Hmm ..." Saya opened her mouth to say something before, their teacher came out

"Alright students, line up!" she called

All the students quickly went into two lines, one for the girls and one for the boys. But Saya was the last to get there, feeling very tired. Once she was in line, she raised her hand.

"Hmm? Yes, Saya?"

"Will we be taking naps?" Saya asked "I'm kind of tired,"

"But you didn't do anything!" said Tetsuya

The teacher walked over to Saya and placed her hand on Saya's forehead. "You have a fever," she observed "Sumomo, can you take Saya to the nurse's office?"

"Okay!" Sumomo replied

"But I'm just tired," Saya told her teacher

"Better safe then sorry,"


Sumomo took Saya to the nurse's office, even while they waited on those uncomfortable plastic chairs, Saya still felt like she could take a quick nap. "You do in fact have a fever," said the nurse "I think it would be safer if you go home,"

"Okay," Saya replied. At least when she was home she could take a nap.

"Can I have your's parent's phone number, please?" the nurse asked

"My mom's at work," Saya told the nurse

"What about your dad?" Sumomo asked

"He died, before I was born," Saya told her fellow classmate

"Oh I'm sorry," said the nurse

"I never knew him," Saya said with a shrug "I know my babysitter's phone number though,"

The nurse attempted to call Yume, unfortunately, she didn't answer. The nurse tried again, no answer. She tried again, no answer.

"I can't seem to get a hold of her, is their anyone else you could call?" the nurse asked

"Um ..." Saya had to think, she didn't want to know what happened to the sick children who had no-one to call!

But then, Saya looked down at the hoodie she was wearing, she remembered it's contents. So she reached into the pocket and took out a card. "There is my neighbor,"


"Are you feeling okay, Little Lady?" Subaru asked as he held Saya's hand through the halls.

"I'm tired and hot and my nose is stuffy," Saya replied

"Are you sick?" Subaru asked

"Yes," Saya nodded

"Then you're feeling how you're suppose to feel," Saya smiled, even if the joke wasn't that funny. They walked out and Saya could see Subaru's truck in the lot.

"Are your dogs in your car?" Saya asked

"No, they're at home," he replied "You have your own house key, right?"

Saya nodded as they came into the truck. "It's in my backpack,"

"Great. Will your mom mind unexpected visitors?" Subaru asked "I'd like to stay with you until she comes back,"

"She won't be back until late," Saya answered as she laid her head on the window "Yume is coming over later, I think. She won't answer her phone,"

"Right," Subaru nodded

"Maybe you could try calling her," Saya said

"Why would it work if call her?" Subaru asked with a chuckle as he started to leave the school.

"She called you a Boiled Octopus," Saya answered


Saya yawned "She said the same way you did that one time," And then Saya drifted into sleep.


Saya opened her eyes after dreaming about flying elephants. She was just about reach Kenya when she suddenly opened her eyes. She was in a strange bedroom, blue wallpaper on a buttercup yellow bed. She must still be dreaming.

Saya started to get out of bed, but a headache sent her right back down. "Ouch," she said as she rubbed her head.

She looked up on the ceiling. "Maybe I've been kidnapped,"

After lying down for a few more minutes and considering of going back to sleep, the door opened, but Saya was too tired to look who answered it.

"You're awake!" said a woman's voice "I'm glad,"

Saya looked up and her eyes widened. "H-Hime!?!"

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