Right There Infront of Me

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The next day it began to snow again, it was soft and light. Saya loved the beautiful sight of it all, the was just light enough for her not to worry about. "It's snowing! Isn't it beautiful, Yume?" Saya asked her babysitter.

"Yeah," Yume agreed.

Then, the two girls noticed Subaru come out of his house with Juice & Compass following behind him. He had a shovel in hand.

"He's not digging now is he?" Saya asked.

"Looks like it," said Yume. "You stay here, I'm gonna talk to him,"

"Okay," Saya said, secretly planning to sneak up on her later.



Yume went out after putting on her coat and boots and went over to the Yuki's backyard. She opened the gate and found Subaru was in deed digging. Yume would have stayed unoticed if Juice & Compass hadn't given her away by barking and running over to her to say hello. Yume knelt down to pet the dogs then stood up and looked at Subaru.

For a long time, they just stood there in the cold. Starring. Then Yume smiled. Subaru smiled.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," he replied.

"Aren't you going to get a cold out here?" Yume asked.

"I'll be fine," said Subaru. "I just have to find something,"

"What's back here that's so important to you?" Yume asked, looking at all the holes.

"At the moment ... you," Subaru answered, his cheeks turning slightly pinker then their usual color. Yume blushed as well, but smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" Yume asked.

"What?" Subaru asked with a smile.

"Why do you keep trying?" Yume asked.


"Why do you keep trying to get me to date you?" Yume asked.

"Well ... it's -"

Suddenly, barking erupted at the other end of the yard. Juice and Compass barked and danced around a hole they had made. "They found something!" Subaru exclaimed. He ran over to inspect it. He's blue-eyes nearly popped out of his head. "It's here!"

"What's here?" Yume asked as Subaru grabbed his shovel and began digging at the hole some more.

"Come and see!" he told her.

Yume walked over and saw Subaru dig out a plastic bag with a box inside. Subaru picked it up, smiling. "I finally found it after all this time!" Subaru exclaimed with joy.

"What is it?" Yume asked.

"You don't recognize it?" Subaru asked. Yume shook her head. Subaru smiled and took the box out of the bag. The crayon writing on it was faded but it was still there: 'Yume & Subaru BFF Summer Memories'. "Remember now?" he asked.

Yume smiled and nodded. "I remember! It was when we were starting to be friends. How old were we?"

"I think I was eight or nine," said Subaru. "But let's just open it!"

"Okay," Yume nodded.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Subaru asked.

"Sure," Yume opened the lid of the box. Inside, there were pictures and toys and pieces of paper that - to any other person - would be almost meaningless. But to Yume and Subaru, it was worth more then gold. "It's your rubber ducky," she said.

"And that picture of us in Hawaii!" said Subaru

"And my gumball ring," Yume said.

Subaru held this last item in his hand. "Yume," he said "Do you want to know when ... when I fell for you. The answer was that summer, this summer!" Subaru looked at the box. "I wanted to be nice to you cause having no friends was no fun. And when I got to know you, you were just ... so much more then I ever thought you would be. Even back then, I thought you were the greatest person alive. That's why I keep going after you,"

Yume's eyes widened and she smiled.

"Now can I ask you something?" Subaru asked.


"Do you love me?"

Yume blushed. "Well ... all throughout middle school I just started seeing you in a different light, Subaru," Yume told him. "But that one moment in High School, I remember. You had just gotten your truck and wanted to take me on a drive around the town and then your truck broke down," Yume suddenly felt like crying. She missed those times. "Just ... the two of, looking out at the stars," Yume took a deep breath. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah," Subaru nodded, he looked down at the plastic gumball ring in his hands. He took the box of summer memories and placed it on the snow. He smiled at Yume, she smiled back.

"What are you -" Yume started then stopped as Subaru got on one knee. She gasped, tears filling her eyes.

"I love you too," he said "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you! Leaving you is one mistake I never ever want to make again. So ... Yume Nijino ... will you marry me?"

Tears streamed Yume's eyes ...

"Yes," she said.

Subaru smiled, dots of tears in his eyes, then put the ring on Yume's smallest finger. They hugged and the sneaky watchers all cheered.

"You little sneaks!" said Subaru.

"Congratulations you two!" said Aria "You two are just beautiful. So ... so ... so beautiful!" Aria burst into tears, Hime comforted her as Yozora started to cry (she was comforted my the ever faithful Michael); Asahi also began to cry and he was comforted by Nozomu and Mahiru; and Tsubasa had thoroughly refused to cry, but she had a difficult time hiding her tears.

"I don't get it," said Willow. "Why is everyone crying?"

"I - I - I - I don't know!" said Saya, she was also crying. Saya had wanted to be happy for Yume and Subaru, she was so sure she was. She had seen people cry at weddings or happy events, but she had believed it was the stuff of nonsense. But seeing it before her eyes at a more mature age ... it was just impossible to describe her over bearing joy.

For what seemed like hours. Aikatsu Street was full of loud cheers and the loud whaling of crying. Fee cried the loudest, not understanding all the tears and scarred by the cheers.

After a lot of crying, cheering, comforting, everyone soon piled into the Yuki home, and began the nonestop conversations.

"So when are you two getting married?" Mrs. Yuki asked.

"We're not sure yet," said Subaru.

"Have a double wedding with us!" said Aria. "We don't mind, right?"

"Of course not!" said Nozomu. "You're whole families are already here! So are all our friends!"

"Well that is an idea," said Yume.

"Aren't there enough Nijino weddings already?" Mr. Nijino asked.

"Papa!" said Hime.

"I'm only saying!"

"Oh I'll have to turn your bridesmaid dress into a wedding dress," Koharu said to Yume, "but it will be worth it!"

"Oh, Saya, how are you feeling?" Mirai asked.

"Happy," Saya said between sobs.

"Oh, sweetie," Yume said, wrapping her arms around the little girl.

"I am! I am!" Saya tried to assure Yume. But her whole body shook from the cries so much that it was hard to tell. "I am!"

Aikatsu Street 7 - One Last Time | An Aikatsu Stars FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora