Bon Bon Voyage!

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Dear Diary,

            Spring Break is almost here, and the wedding is almost here too. I haven't seen Nozomu or Aria in a while though, Yume says they're really busy with work and the wedding and blah, blah, blah! There's still a month left for the wedding. But only a few days until Spring Break! Mom even gave me a camera, I'm gonna take lots of pictures!


The week before Spring Break past by quickly for Saya. In almost no time at all, she was packing her bags into Subaru's truck. 

"Are you excited?" Yume asked as she put their bags into the back of the truck.

"Yeah!" Saya replied

"Good. Do you have a level head?"

"Level 100!"

"Great, one of us needs to," Yume smiled at the girl as she closed the door shut.

"I thought you liked Subaru," Saya could tell by the look on Yume's face - a half second later - that she had said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

"You're just as red as ever, Boiled Octopus," Subaru said with a grin from behind Saya.

Yume blushed, her face reddening. "Oh grow up," she said

Subaru's sly grin turned into a playful one. Saya saw that he had a tarp in his hand. He turned to Saya. "Could you help me put this over the trunk?" Subaru asked


After putting the tarp over the trunk, Saya, Yume, and Subaru said goodbye to their mothers (Yume and Subaru also said goodbye to their fathers). 

"You made sure you packed everything?" Kaoru asked her daughter.

"Yes!" Saya nodded "You checked it with me, remember?"

"I know, I know," Kaoru said "But you made sure to pack your toothpaste and toothbrush and floss and -"

"And my water bottle, my swim suit, my purse and my spending money," Saya finished the list for her mother. "I also have my clothes and shoes and flip-flops! I'll be fine!"

"Right, right," Kaoru smiled. "And remember, if you ever get homesick you can just ask Yume or Subaru for their phones and you can call me and I will drive all the way up there to pick you up,"

"I won't get homesick, I'll be fine! Promise!" Saya said with a smile.

Kaoru smiled and hugged her daughter tightly. "I love you, Baby," she said

"Mom~! I'm eleven, I'm not a baby anymore!" Saya whined

"You'll always be my baby," Kaoru said

"And you two will stay out of trouble and try to get along?" Mr. Yuki asked

"I try  is a bit of a strong word, don't you?" Subaru asked

"Hmm, they're onto something," Yume commented

"Boiled Octopus," Subaru mumbled

"Tomato," said Yume

"Now come on you two," said Mrs. Nijino "You're adults so act like it,"

"I think Saya might be more mature then both of you," said Mr. Nijino

"That's why we're bringing her along," said Subaru

"Well we hope you all have fun," said Mrs. Yuki "Bye!"


After hugs and kisses and best wishes were exchanged, the three of them were on their way and on the road.

Saya took many pictures, especially when they had left town and the most perfect view was before them. From the top of a hill, Saya could see everywhere! Saya was filled with so much exhilaration! But then ... she fell asleep.


Saya was just about to do a back flip into a dolphin shaped pool when she suddenly realized that she didn't know how to do a back flip, and she was also dreaming.

Saya woke up to find herself looking out the window in the backseat of Subaru's truck. Yume was talking, was she talking to her?

"-never could stay in one place for long," Yume said. "It's so like you,"

Then, Saya realized so suddenly it almost hurt, Yume was talking to Subaru and Saya was accidentally eavesdropping! If she had been told once, she had been told a million times: It was very rude to eavesdrop. Saya tried to fall asleep, but at the same time she wanted to hear more. But if she fell asleep, she wouldn't mind.

"The heart wants what it wants," Subaru said "But I don't know why you're so mad, Laura and Tsubasa left for London last I heard. I assume you're still their friends,"

"Of course I am," Yume replied with a hint of anger.

"Then what makes me different?" Subaru asked. There was a long pause.

"Because ... you're different," Yume said at last. Another moment of silence. Saya thought she might just fall asleep before Yume went on. "I didn't think you would actually leave,"

"Neither did I," said Subaru "But I had fun out there ... I still missed you though,"

"Hmm," Yume grumbled

"Did you have fun without me?"

"A blast," Saya wanted to smile and think happy selfish thoughts of all the times she and Yume were together. Like last year's bake sale, they had baked until midnight making over a hundred thousand cookies! But Yume's tone sounded more sarcastic then anything else, so it was hard to decipher.

There was another long pause, Saya thought she would fall asleep for good. But still, they just needed to add one more comment.

"You know I still love you," said Subaru

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Yume replied "Just save it,"

No please!  Saya seemed to beg to herself. Just be quite! Or at least let me fall asleep!

Saya waited ... and waited ... just as she was drifting off to depths of her sleep, she heard one last word being uttered by either Yume or Subaru. (Whoever it was, she couldn't tell. Nor if it were real or a dream).


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