Off Tune Singing & Cold Feet

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When Saya woke up, they still had wound up nowhere in particular. They just kept driving and driving.

"You're awake!" said Yume. "How did you sleep?"

"Okay," Saya said with a shrug. "I didn't really have any dreams,"

Yume shrugged in reply.

"We won't be at the hotel until later tonight," Subaru informed them "But since you're awake, Little Lady, would you like to listen to some music?"

"On the radio?" Saya asked

"Of course!" Subaru said with smile.

"Does the radio even work?" Yume asked

"Yes. I fixed it a couple years ago, pretty cool right?"

Saya smiled and stretched over to reach the radio. She turned it onto Aikatsu Radio, her favorite, where Lovely Party Collection  was playing. Saya began to sing the harmony, Yume joined in with the melody and when Subaru joined in, the entire car was full of loud singing that was slightly off tune.

"Lalala LAUGH egao kara lalala LOVE umarete kuru! "

After Lovely Party Collection  was over, Eternally Flickering Flame  began to play. "Hey Saya," said Subaru "Yume seems to have taught you well, can you sing as good as the singer?"

Saya laughed. "No, no, no. I can do better!" she said

"Whoa, big talker," said Yume

"Alright then, let's hear you," said Subaru

"Eien ni tsuzuku mirai, ima boku wo terase! Moroku hakanai kokoro wo tomose! " Saya sang loud and proud, happy to show off her talent. "Koware kaketa kyō wo tsunaide iku. Wazuka na kibō wo sagashiteru! "

Yume clapped. "That was wonderful!" she said

"Bravo!" said Subaru "Très bien! "

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all day!" Saya said as she did mini bows in her seat.

Then the radio played yet another song, Smiling Suncatcher. And everyone knew it was just impossible to not sing along.


Hours later and after their third round of Hello Hello, Saya, Yume and Subaru arrived at the hotel. Subaru parked his truck in the garage and helped take out their things from the back. "We're only staying here for the night," Subaru informed them "We should reach Ocean Grove tomorrow at noon, if we leave early enough,"

They all took their bags to go inside. Subaru checked themselves in and they were taken to their room and given a key.

Their room was small with only two beds, a sofa, a television, a large window, bathroom, a fish tank with only three fishes in it, and a bowl of fake fruit on a short coffee table. "It's not as fancy as I thought it would be," said Saya "But it's still nice. I even saw an ice dispenser in the hall!"

"The one in Ocean Grove is nicer," said Subaru "Don't worry,"

"Oh, okay," Saya smiled. She wondered what Ocean Grove would look like. Would the water be as clear as a crystal? Would she be able to see coral or sea turtles or maybe even a dolphin?! 

"Are their dolphins at Ocean Grove?" Saya asked

"Um ..." Subaru thought

"I don't think there are," Yume answered "But you never know,"

"I hope there are dolphins," said Saya

"Me too," said Yume

"Hey, while we're here," said Subaru "Let's get some ice!"

"Why?" Yume asked

"Why not?" said Subaru

"We can stick our toes in the ice!" said Saya "We could give ourselves cold feet!"

"Great idea, Little Lady!" said Subaru

"Where would you put the ice?" Yume asked, trying to hold back her laughter.

Subaru looked around then dumped the fake fruit out of the bowl then handed it to Saya. "Think you can get the ice then come back?" he asked

"Of course!" Saya said then dashed out of the room and into the hall. She headed over to the ice dispenser and began to fill up the bowl.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked

While she was still filling up the bowl, Saya turned around and saw two girls. One girl had long sea green hair and violet & blue eyes, the other girl had short yellow hair and magenta & yellow hair.

"Getting ice," Saya answered

"Why so much?" the sea-green haired girl asked

"Well, I was going to put some on my toes maybe," said Saya, retracting the bowl from the dispenser. "I'm here with my babysitter and her ex-boyfriend!"

"Isn't that weird?" the yellow haired girl asked

"Um ... a little," Saya shrugged. "My name is Saya Komoto!"

"I'm Marina Manami," said the sea-green haired girl "This is my friend Rinna Shinkai!"

"Hello!" Rinna waved

"Hi," Saya replied

"You know, if you're going to use all that ice, you might want to try some challenges," said Rinna "Like who can keep their hands in the ice the longest or how many cubes can you fit in your mouth,"

"She does this stuff with my brother all the time," Marina told Saya "They're both really weird,"

"Okay," Saya said "My babysitter and her boy - er - ex-boyfriend are both really weird."

"Your situation is weird," said Rinna "But it's fine. Hey, can we get some ice?"

"Oh, sure," Saya stepped to the side "Bye!"

"Bye!" Marina and Rinna said in unison. Thinking about it now, they reminded Saya of Kaira & Ivy. She wondered what they were up to now.

Saya took the bowl of ice into the hotel room. After the three of them got there toes cold, Saya suggested they do challenges.

"I am not putting this ice in my mouth," said Yume

"Me neither," said Subaru

"But we could put our hands in and see who last the longest!" said Saya "It could be fun! I bet I could last longer then both of you!"

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Subaru asked. Saya nodded. "Oh now we have to do it?"

"Do we?" Yume raised an eyebrow.

"Are you actually backing out of a challenge?" Subaru said with a bit of a laugh. "And I thought that would never change about you, Boiled Octopus,"

Yume's cheeks slowly turned red from rage. "It's on,"

Saya beamed and put the bowl of ice on the table. Yume took out her phone and set a timer. "Okay!" said Saya "Last man standing wins ... um ... a victory photo!"

"Ready," said Subaru "1 ... 2 ... 3!"

The three of them stuck their hands into the ice. It was cold! Saya's hands burned! It only took thirty seconds for Saya to take her hands back. But Yume and Subaru kept going, their hands on top of each others in the ice. Saya watch with amazement, but when the ice started to melt Saya began to feel bored.

"I think we can call it a tie," Saya said

"Fine!" Yume and Subaru took their hands of of the ice/water.

"How did you two go so long?" Saya asked

"I think Boiled Octopus just wanted to hold my hand," said Subaru

Yume blushed and rolled her eyes. "Bah!"

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