The Truth of Prince Love Candy

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Did you figure out the secret message? If not, check the first four parts and then the last four parts for clues.

If you did figure it out then you've probabaly figured out that Prince Love Candy isn't real, neither is Leo Hart. Jewlie Hart isn't real, Leo's cousin isn't real, I'm not even from London.

The truth is, I'm a girl from New York. I'm not even joking. I'm actully Cora#1, the YouTuber that's mentioned in the credits in some stories. If you don't believe me, check out my YouTube channel.

When I signed onto Wattpad, I took the chance to pretend to be someone I wasn't. I decided to go all out and act like a prince. I really didn't expect people to take me seriously ... but you did. I'm sorry for lying to you and I hope you can forgive me.

And I thought, while I'm at it, I could tell you about myself and about Leo (he's basically my ulter-ego)

Well ... my name is Cora, well, it's my nickname. I'm not telling you guys my real name.

I like chocolate, Aikatsu, pretzle begals, and chocolate milk (I'm weird)

I'm really weird. As in, dip oreos in lemonade weird, still reading fairy books weird, and dream of magical world of whimsy weird.

I have a cat. Her name is Snowa. I love cats. :3

My favorite color is pink.

Also, to make it clear, I'm a girl.

I share the same birthday with Prince Love Candy since we are the same person.

I also have THREE younger brothers.

And here are Leo's facts.

He was born in Paris France! (Ooh Lala!) While his mother was visiting her sickly sister, she suddenly went into labor!

He plays the piano and chello.

His full name is Leonard Alexander Hart.

He has a little sister who's full name is Julia Penelope Hart but Julia loves to spell her name, Jewlie.

Leo's cousin's name is Angel Miranda Knocks.

His favorite foods are pizza, toast and smoothies.

He tells Jewlie stories sometimes before bed.

He has a pet rabbit named Hobbs.

Leo and Jewlie watch Aikatsu together.

(You know, I once said I was attracted to guys ... is it funny now?)

So now you know the truth, and again, sorry for the lies. But I'm so glad I was able to make you all happy with my stories.

Prince(ss) Love Candy, signing out!

P.S. I'm quitting Wattpad in 24 hours so if you guys have any last questions ... nows a good time to ask.

P.S.S. I'm going to miss all of you!

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