Chapter 29.

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I don't remember where I should turn.

Do I have to turn on this street or continue straight ahead? When Four and I drove up here last night, it was dark so I didn't see anything as we passed through this area. The only thing I remember is that there were many trees and a lake.

I haven't reached the lake yet, so I guess I'll keep driving straight ahead. I drive for five more minutes on the same road until I see a small lake through a couple of trees.

The only direction I can follow from here is to turn or continue straight. If I take the exit, there are two roads, one to the right and one to the left. There are so many possible routes that I have no idea what I could choose from.

The entire ride home, I was lost thinking about what was going to happen.

I don't remember a turn, and only that I know that house is surrounded by a few tall pines and has a quite long road. If I continue straight I could end up in his house or in another exit that could lead me to no where.

I wish I had paid more attention to the road here, at least that way I would know how to get back. Finally I decide to stop by the lake. There is no parking, but a large section of meadow where I leave the car. I could try to call him, but I don't have his number. I feel like I should have asked him before, but I don't know what his reaction would've been like that. I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed about it to actually ask.

I don't want to go home and I don't know how to get to Four's house, so I don't know where to go right now.

I get out of the car and walk through the trees, to go a couple of meters away to the water. There's small rocks under my feet, so I pick one up. Sliding his thumb on the surface, I look at the water.

My father always tried to teach me how to make stones bounce on water whenever had the chance. Every time I tried, the stone hits the water and sinks without a single jump

The water is calm, it almost seems to be frozen, but it's not cold enough to be that way, so I know it's not. I look at the edge of the water and throw the small stone.

My father always taught me to throw it hard so that there is more momentum. I throw my arm back and throw it towards the lake. The stone doesn't bounce, just sticks in the water and disappears under it.

I don't know why, but I find it frustrating when I can't skip a simple rock against the water. I take another stone and try again, giving it more momentum. Again, the stone sinks into the water.

"Jesus, what did the lake ever do to you?" I hear a challenging voice behind me.

I turn around, half expecting to find Reeve standing. I wouldn't be surprised, I've met him twice today. It surprises me but I get excited when I see Four.

"Four? What are you doing here?" I ask. He isn't dressed like he normally is. He's wearing black sweatpants, with a black T-shirt. His hair is not pulled back by his worn bandana. It doesn't look bad, really, just carefree, as if he had been at home all day.

"I could ask you the same thing, I've never seen you around here," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"I just ... um ... I just wanted to throw rocks," I lie.

"Did you come all the way here, thirty minutes from your house, to throw rocks into the water?", he says while walking towards me.

"Yes" I say and I turn to the water, grabbing another rock trying to distract myself. I feel how all my weaknesses flourish when he's around. As if he makes me feel like I was someone else. I feel two cold hands in my arms and my heart speeds up.

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