Chapter 1: Dreaded Maths Class.

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My Guardian Demon

"I swear to god Athena if you don't wake up for school right now, I'm going to grab a bucket of ice cold water and throw it on you." One of my lovely brothers yelled in my ear.

I rolled over, landing straight onto the floor with a thud.

Aiden started laughing, the noise echoing through my room making me cover my ears and groan.

He does this every morning without fail, I thought he would be a generous brother and wake me up nicely as it's my birthday but no. He's a prick like always.

My brother Aiden and I have a love-hate relationship. One minute we get along really well, joking with each other all the time but other times we just fight or wind each other up to the point our older brother Austin has to intervene.

Austin has been our guardian ever since our parents died in a car crash eight years ago. It was a really difficult time for all of us but our older brother didn't abandon us and he chose to raise us. He's done a fantastic job so far, well with me.

No one can help Aiden, he's a lost cause.

"Get out of my room," I grumbled into the floor before lifting myself up and glaring over at my stupid ass brother.

"Well, I suppose I'll just eat the chocolate pancakes that Austin has made you." Then he ran out of my room.

I jumped onto my feet and bolted out of my room, tripping over the thin air a few times and banging my elbow in the process. Jumping down the last few steps I could see my brother reach for my pancakes, so I did the only thing I could think of.

"Aaaaaah," I screamed at the top of my voice charging at him before he could react and move out of the way, I jumped on top of him causing us both to fall on the floor.

That would have hurt if he didn't cushion my fall.

"What the hell Athena," I shot a sheepish smile his way before standing up, accidentally kneeing him in his baby maker.

I took a plateful of pancakes, trying not to drool at the sight before looking down at my crippled brother.

"You were gonna eat my pancakes," I shrugged, walking over to a very amused Austin. I slumped down next to him, instantly stuffing the pancakes down my throat without taking a breath of air.

I heard a snicker next to me, "What?" I spoke with a mouthful of food.

"Your love for pancakes fascinates me, but anyway happy birthday little Rae," He placed a quick kiss on my cheek. "I have to go to work now but I'll give you your presents and card when I come back. Then you can choose what restaurant you want to eat at."

I nodded away before stuffing the last of my pancakes in my mouth as he left the kitchen. Aiden was giving me a disgusted look from across the table.

"So ladylike," I swallowed the rest as I ran my hand through my knotted long brown hair.

"Hey, you have something on your chin," He started rubbing his chin whilst I stood up to place my plate in the sink.


"No, not there, the third one down," I snickered before legging it back to my room to get ready for college. I threw on a pair of black skinny jeans with a stripy off the shoulder jumper and my favourite black vans.

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