Chapter 41: My Boys

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Nathaniel was looking at me but I couldn't take my eyes off the boy who just called me his mum.

"Funny but that's impossible, we are the same age and I've never slept with him. I... I can't possibly be your mum. No no no this is a prank, where are the cameras?"

I paced up and down trying not to look at them staring at me. Them stupid beautiful blue eyes which were similar to mine.

"Mum I'm not lying"

Elijah was the spitting image of Nathaniel but he seemed to have my personality. I noticed him excusing himself for his language before.

"Look I don't think it's best that we speak here" Now Nathaniel was speaking towards me, Elijah now stood next to him. They could be twins.

"I can't exactly walk out of school, I've missed too much already. Austin would have my head on a stick if he found out. Aiden will eat all my chocolate, Zac will kill you if he sees me with you. Oh my god, I'll never get married or have kids, see my grandkids grow up... "

During my rampage, one of the boys managed to take my hand and transport us to a small cafe which consisted of one person reading a very old newspaper.

The place was squeaky clean but deathly silent. Just the sound of the woman behind the counter humming to herself making coffee.

Nathaniel let go of my hand and I spun around so fast I ended up tripping over my own two feet and stumbled, ready to hit the floor.

My eyes squeezed shut but two hands wrapped around my waist tightly, slight tingles shooting through my body just from a single touch.

As I opened my eyes, my favourite angel was grinning at me, amusement dancing in his sparkly clear blue eyes. I couldn't help but lift my hand, gently touching his cheek which was starting to grow facial hair.

"You really are clumsy" He chuckled.

I love that sound.

Someone coughing caught our attention, I stood up straight, Nathaniel's warm touch leaving me. Elijah gestured for us to sit down at one of the tables in the back.

I took a seat first, the two boys following behind. We all ordered a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake.

What? I'm a nervous wreck, chocolate is my life.

Elijah spoke first.

"Look, mum, dad I know this doesn't make any sense to you and I think Arlo would have been better to explain this to you but because I'm the oldest I had to come."

"Wait who's Arlo?" We both asked Elijah at the same time.

"Oh, he's my brother. Your other son"

"How many kids do we have"

"Just the two thank god, Arlo is a pain in the but and just like you dad but looks like mum" He smiled towards me making me melt inside.

This is so weird, especially because right now he's my age.

Before we could ask any more questions, he interrupted us with the answers.

"I'm from the future, the only reason I am here is that you chose Zac over dad which was not meant to happen at all. You are meant to be with each other, not that damn God awful Demon Zirach" The last part he spat out like his name was poison.

"I and Arlo won't exist, that's why I'm here. To make sure you end up with the right person" He held tears in his eyes, something else was wrong.

The waitress came over with the coffee and chocolate cake, but I couldn't eat just yet. There was something he wasn't telling us and I needed to know what that is.

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