Chapter 36

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Honerva's POV
I storm down the halls to my quarters. 'I am so done with is!!!' I am done with all of this manipulation; I'm done with Lotor, he can go fuck himself. I'm done with Zarkon, he can die for all I care. I'm done with being used like a toy. I'm done with letting Quintessence run my life.

The door slams open and I stomp over to the mirror, I look at my reflection and scream. My fury doesn't end there. No, not at all. I transform back to my Altean form and in my little fit of rage, I smash the mirror, rip my bed sheets up and burn everything.

As I am doing this, I think back to the time I met Zarkon. I fell head over heals for him, I wanted him to love soo badly, I did everything he wanted and eventually he marked and mated me. Soon after this happened, he changed. He would yell and scream in his alpha voice and this terrified my omega, he would hit and kick me; even though I was pregnant with his child. It was like I did not matter anymore, like I was just an object for him to control. If I didn't do what he said he would throw me into isolation. I didn't want that pain, so I caved. I did whatever he wanted without question, I followed his word like holy scripture. Just so that I didn't get hurt, but I still did. But I did not protest.

Well now IM DONE!!! I'm leaving to find what I ACTUALLY deserve. I will go do what I want for once!! To help the last of my people, to be with people who are kind and loving. To find someone who will actually treat me with some decency and respect.


After destroying the place that I once called my room, I walk out of the room and down towards the escape pods. I would go to the ship bay, however I am not Galra so I cannot gain access to drive the ships, so I have to use an escape pod.

I get some questionable looks as I am walking but I just glare in response. Once I arrive I am thankful that there is no one here, I make my way over to one of them and climb in.
I start the engine and leave for Voltron.

For Home

— Castle of Lions —

Third POV
The paladins had been talking, talking about many things, the main topic of the evening; Lance. They were talking about how he is behaving and what they could do about his memory problem. They were deep in conversation until Keith came walking in, buckets and mops in his hands, also more importantly; the mittens.

"What are you doing with those mittens, they are supposed to be on Lance's hands" Allura says with an area of authority.

"Well, it's a very bad idea" he stated with little emotion.

"What do you mean I was a bad idea Keith, they were stopping Lance from hurting himself" Shiro responds, walking over to Keith to help him with the buckets.

"Lance can't do anything with those mittens on. He vomited all over the bathroom floor because he couldn't get the toilet seat up, and he can't even hold his pup. So I took them off." Keith declares, placing all of the objects in the corner on the room.

"Did he try to pull the feeding tube out?" Asked Coran as he came over from his work.

"At first yes, he was going to try pull it out, but the baby started to cry and he then moved all of his attention to it."

"....ok, so if we keep him occupied then he won't do anything to the tube. That's good to know. Where is he now?" Pidge says looking straight at Keith.

"He is feeding his pup, I'm going to go back to him now. Just wanted to let you know" he's begins to walk off to Lance's room.

"Hey Keith." Keith turns back around to the team with slight confusion.

"Are you in love with Lance~" Pidge smirks at him, pushing her glasses, making the light shine on them in a little glint.

Keith's face turns a strawberry red and he begins to fidget in a flustered state. He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. He walked away as fast as he could.

It was too late, the team already knew.

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