Chapter 49

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Keith's POV
We all ran out of the room and into the living room, well I thought we all did but when I turn around Lance wasn't with us.

"Where is Lance!!?" I yell at the others who were standing around probably wondering the same thing. I look directly at Honerva.

"Keith, you were the last on-" "NO I WASN'T!! You were behind me!!" I cut her off in anger, how could we not notice the omega we were trying to protect, didn't follow us??!!

My breathing accelerates to a point I could pass out, I can feel my alpha instincts driving my crazy. 'Shitshitshitshitshit!!!'

I'm jittering and scratching at my skin. "Did he even leave the room!!" I start to sniff the air vigorously, trying to pick up any indication of Lance's presence.

"No, I don't think he did." Honerva said with her own panicked voice. This was the last straw for me, red flooded my vision and I grew a little in size as my inner alpha took control of my body.

Shiro walked calmly over to me but in my alpha state, I kicked him really really hard in the stomach; he was sent half way across the massive room. 'HE'S A THREAT!!! HE'S AN ALPHA TRYING TO STEAL YOUR OMEGA!!!'

I let out a furious snarl and roar, I kick him one more time before running out of the room and back to the medical bay.

As I am running I notice that the other resident omega is running after me, I don't care because she cannot stop me. She had no power against me, not even Shiro does when I am in a feral state.

Because of my increased speed I am staring to leave Honerva behind. Once again I don't care because Lance is my priority, he is my omega.

I am nearing the medical bay when I here a longing scream. "I WAN'T KEITH!!!!", this makes me pick up my already fast pace.

'I'm so close!' 'Lance I'm coming!!' 'Hold on kitten I'm coming!!! I'M COMING!!!!'

I turn the corner, the automatic doors to the room open and I freeze. There standing over my beautiful omega is a dark shadowy figure, the thing looks up at me with a 'warm'? smile.

My voice lets out a deep and threatening growl, the figure takes a step back. I sense Honerva standing beside me, I give her a quick look to see if she can see it as well and based on her expression; I say she could.

When I look back at the smoky thing I see it beginning to fade away. Lance is wailing and balling his eyes out in a shaking ball on the ground around his pup, the thing looks down at him and say....

"My work is done, I have brought you home to your Soul Mate~"

The voice, it sounds identical to mine and when I take a better look at the disappearing figure I see that it looks like me too.

With that, it completely vanished. Now all that could be heard in the room way Lance and his pup screaming and crying. My feral alpha had calmed down and I sprinted over to the small ball.

I went to pick Lance and Caz up when he immediately latched onto me, still holding his pup in one hand.

He sobbed and yelled out into my chest, his free hand tugging and clutching my shirt with the intent of never letting go.

Lance's scent was think and sickening, it smelt as if the alpha part of it had gone rotten. The part that signified Lotor was his alpha, it smelt horrid.

"K-K-Keith....ahhhahaaaaa.....sob...hic....Keith" Lance's crying voice was muffled but still very clear. There was something different about him now, maybe it was the fact he was calling me by my name or the fact it felt as though he trusted me.

I glance at Honerva, who had knelt down near us, she had a smile on her face. Why?! Why would she have a smile on her face when Lance is a wailing mess?!

"He knows who his true Alpha is." She said with a soothing voice, she sounded so sure of what she said.

Lance nuzzles into me as exhaustion takes over his body, he's been crying so hard that it would have taken so much out of him; I'm not surprised he is falling asleep/passing out.

As his consciousness fades, he mutters my name one last time and I give him and Caz a soft kiss on their foreheads.

'My Omega~'

Not the end yet.

Have a great day or night 😊

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