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Our heroine CHAKOR, a not-so-bright student in her last year of high school, who's in the last-place class [seventh of seven] of her year. She grew up with a loving father who runs a noodle restaurant [her mother died when she was a child], and the two have an affectionate relationship. Prone to daydreaming, Chakor's fantasies center around Suraj, a boy at school on whom she harbors a pretty strong crush.

Chakor's best friends, also in the last-place class, are IMLI and TINA. Together, the trio is a little bumbling, but good-hearted and loyal to one another.


SURAJ, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. He's in the No. 1 class and isn't merely the best student, but positively perfect. In fact, in the most recent exams, he scored a 500 out of 500. Alas, that intellectual perfection doesn't come with a gracious personality. He's not just the cold, logical type a la Mr. Darcy but quite condescending to boot, looking down his nose at everyone, not bothering to hide that he finds them inferior. Whatta prince.

His parents are perfectly friendly people, though, and his mother will figure largely in our plot. For now, she's a welcoming, cheerful mother with a lively sense of curiosity about her son's life.


VIVAAN and the boys, who are also residents of Class 7. While the boys can often be found jamming on musical instruments in between classes,  While Vivaan spends a lot of his energies following Chakor around, trying to win her affections. She remains firmly fixated on Suraj, however, and doesn't spare Vivaan much thought.


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