Part 14

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Did Suraj really KISSED Chakor??
Answer for this question will be unfold in further updates!


Tejaswini asks Suraj to move back home and stop giving Chakor such a hard time. Suraj tells her that he left precisely to get away from her attempts to control him. He notes that she never asked him what he wanted when she brought Chakor back into the house, bringing Tejaswini near tears.

After Suraj leaves, Tejaswini frets that he's left home to discover his own path, but nothing has actually changed in his life. KN tells her to wait it out for him to figure things out on his own.

Tina and Imli come by for lunch, telling Chakor about a high school reunion, complete with a school-uniform dress code. Chakor gets weak in the knees thinking about Suraj back in his high school uniform.

Chakor finds Suraj at school to tell him about it, and he brushes her off coldly, saying that he doesn't know who came up with such a childish idea, but he's not interested. Chakor mumbles to herself as he walks off, "How can I possibly know what's in that head of yours?" 

Suraj hears her and turns around to give her the stink eye, and walks off.

Tejaswini suggests a scheme to get Suraj to the reunion.Chakor gets dressed in her old school uniform, getting nostalgic for the good old days, even taking out her D-minus love letter and remembering it fondly.

At the event, Chakor rubbernecks around for Suraj, finding him sitting alone in his regular clothes, complete with sour look of disdain. She heads over and he coughs up her house keys, completing his mom-assigned task with little desire to humor her further.

Chakor tries to get Suraj to stay and have some fun since he's here anyway, (grabbing his wrist) but he shakes her off and leaves curtly. But not two feet away, when his classmates greet him, he joins them at a table, smiling and chatting like a person not made of inorganic metal parts.

Unsurprisingly, his friends from high school are the cream of the crop smartypants boys from good families, who all went to Central University, where Suraj missed his interview that day. They see Chakor across the aisle and assume that they're really dating now, making her smile. But Suraj, still angry, and well, being Suraj and all, flatly denies it, saying, "I don't keep those sorts of things [girlfriends]."

Chakor glares and pouts, then stalks away, and Suraj clocks her every move.

At the gathering, Bye Bye Sea gets introduced as Bye Bye Sea, now having officially become a band after high school. While they play, Chakor notes that Suraj is brooding in the corner, lost in his thoughts. He's angsting over what to do with his life, now confronted with the fact that his classmates have all chosen majors while he's still undeclared, and they suggest that he simply rest on his laurels and inherit his father's company.

The next time Chakor looks up, he's gone. She takes the coat Suraj left behind and heads home, wondering what was on his mind.

Suraj heads to his apartment, stopping outside to think over his father's wishes for him to follow in his footsteps, and Chakor's suggestion that he become a doctor.

Chakor shows up behind him with his jacket, (which he totally left there on purpose, subconsciously) asking him to unload on her: "They say that if you share something bad it splits in half, and if you share something good, it doubles." Suraj smiles at that, and as Chakor waits expectantly, he gets up to announce his decision: he will be going pre-med.(Doctor)

Chakor is shocked, though, not knowing of course the extent to which she influences him. Suraj just makes her promise not to say anything to anyone yet. 'Cause that worked so well last time. She watches him walk away curiously, breaking into a smile when she realizes that she's the only one on this planet who knows this about Suraj.

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