Part 13

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-SORRY- for small update!


Suraj and Chakor have dinner with the parents that night, after which KN takes Suraj aside to ask about his future plans. He suggests that Suraj take over his game company, but Suraj answers curtly that his father has planned out his whole future without his input.

After that, Suraj drops out of sight for a while, and Chakor notes that he quits his restaurant job and has stopped coming to tennis club. It takes a while, but she tracks him down to his new job (tipped off by Kunal) as a groundskeeper at a mountain villa.

Suraj's exasperated with Kunal for telling everyone where he went — in particular Natasha, who pulls up just moments after Chakor. Kunal sees this group outing as his chance to make inroads with Natasha, and proposes that he and Chakor team up to keep Natasha and Suraj apart.

Ergo: couple games, in which Kunal pairs himself with Natasha. Suraj sits this one out, leaving Chakor and a disgruntled Raj on the same team.

The task is a scavenger hunt wherein the couples must find all seven stamps that have been placed in the forest. There are a couple of funny moments with the Natasha/Kunal pair, not least because Natasha goes hiking in the woods in four-inch heels. At one point Kunal tosses an object in her direction and yells that it's a bug, which sends her clutching him in fear.

Chakor and Raj are both bummed to be stuck in this game without Suraj, but Chakor tries to make the best of it. A misstep sends Chakor slipping over a small cliff, and she lands in the ditch below. She's not hurt, but that leaves her unable to climb back up to the main level. Worse yet, they think they hear the howl of a wild animal, which worries them as nighttime approaches.

Vivaan also works his way through the forest, intent on sticking by Chakor's side at all times. He spots the hat she lost when she fell, and tries to reach for it — and that sends HIM into the crevasse below with an injured leg. He shouts for Chakor, and ironically, it's that sound that makes her cower in fear.

Without a cell phone signal, Raj and Chakor settle down to wait for help, and thankfully Raj has come prepared. He shares his blanket with her, and, seeing her shivering, he holds her hands to warm them.

What's even more adorable, however, is when they think they hear the wild animal approaching, and Raj tells Chakor to take cover behind him. As he's a little boy with the heart of a man.

Suraj has remained behind to work, but he's tipped off that something's wrong when Natasha and Kunal wearily trudge back and are surprised that Chakor's not back yet. Alarmed, Suraj takes off for the forest at a run, knowing something must have happened.

Finding Chakor and his brother, he helps them back to safety, and then also finds Vivaan stranded in the ditch and helps him as well. Vivaan's reluctant to accept his help, embarrassed to be at his mercy, and vows to repay this debt.

The next morning, Chakor takes a stroll outside, taking a seat at a bench. Suraj joins her there, where he tells her, "You should've come alone." He points out, "I thought you liked me and all that. Don't you know how I feel?"

She starts to say, "I know you wouldn't think of someone like me..."

Suraj stops Chakor by putting a hand on her shoulder, and then leans down to kiss her by placing his lips on hers.

Only... that's when Chakor wakes up from her daydream, having nodded off on the bench.

Chakor realizes the kiss was just in her dreams, and wishes she'd dreamed a little longer.

But something feels a little different, and she touches a finger to her mouth as she muses, "Still, somehow my lips feel..."

And the camera pans away to reveal Raj, standing at a distance, reacting in shock to something he perhaps didn't expect to see...


Hope you all liked it!

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