Part 15

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Suraj and Natasha were in the restaurant and Grandpa of Natasha commented happily that they seemed to be like a couple already. Natasha was brimming with joy and choosing food for Suraj, but through out the meeting, Suraj did not smile much.

Grandpa happily left the two of them to their own devices with a " Do you think I am that senseless?" so Natasha and Suraj ended up alone. Suraj got a drink for Natasha who asked if he was surprised. She said that she didn't know it was him until Grandpa showed a photo of him. Anyway, Suraj did not sense a thing and just smiled.

Suraj went to drink water from a water cooler and Natasha playfully splashed water on him. Suraj calmly walked next to her and sprayed the water in the direction of her as well.

Suraj told Natasha that he was actually relieved that it was her since he only turned up at the marriage meeting because the company needed funding. He thought that Natasha would be irritated knowing that the reason was like this, but Natasha said that she was actually happy to meet him, even though she knew the reason why he turned up. She shyly asked if they could go out together and just try things out and Suraj said okay. She was so happy, jumping about and asking " Really? Really?" that she almost fell.

Back at home, Chakor got the news that Suraj had gone on a marriage meeting with Natasha because Tejaswini told her. When Suraj returned home, the mum wanted to talk to him but he brushed her away.

Chakor was very depressed and down and asked if Suraj went for a marriage meeting. Suraj looked at her cautiously, as if he didn't want to hurt her, and asked if she knew who was the girl that he met. Chakor said she knew and asked if they would marry. Suraj replied " Probably, that's what will follow after a marriage meeting right?" as he walked back into his room and Chakor slumped to the floor in sadness, crying.

The next day, Tina and Imli noticed that Chakor did not look good and asked her what's wrong. Chakor told them that Suraj was going to get married and that her heart felt pain. Since she did not feel well, she took a leave of absence and did not turn up at Suraj's company.

The manager asked Suraj about the meeting and said that Director Ram Kapoor (Natasha's grandpa) was very pleased with him. After he left the office, Natasha sent a message asking him to take care of his health and she added on shyly at the end " acting like a girlfriend". Something which should have been so sweet did not give Suraj any smiles, as he looked at the message. He sent a message to Chakor, telling her that he would dock her pay for her absence in company. Somehow, Suraj missed Chakor and wanted to talk to her, but the only thing that he could bring himself to say was something mean like this. Even though he knew why Chakor was hurt, he could not bring himself a step forward.

Vivaan calls Chakor over to try a new dish he's concocted, since he always wants her to be the first to try his creations. In light of her heartbreak, Chakor seems to appreciate his unflagging devotion even more than usual and thanks him, saying, "Hearing you talk like that makes me feel like a valuable person."

Vivaan hems and haws as he nervously tries to ask Chakor out on a date. And while Chakor feels no romantic spark, she has been seeing Vivaan through new eyes lately - at least she's not taking his devotion for granted anymore! - and agrees to go out with him.

The date takes them through the standard activities (lunch, a movie, street shopping, etc.), and despite Chakor's subdued mood, she enjoys herself.

At one point, she smiles up at Vivaan happily, thanking him earnestly: "You're a really good person. I already knew that, but these days I'm feeling it again."

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