Part 8

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Curiosity piqued by the sophisticated Natasha, Chakor asks Suraj about her. She's surprised to hear that Natasha is their age, and furthermore, she's at the top of their class, like him. Chakor tries not to feel intimidated, and stammers a denial when Suraj asks if she's jealous.

But Suraj can read Chakor like an open book and decides to have a little fun. He says a little jealousy isn't out of the question, given that they did kiss. He leans in close, making Chakor close her eyes and wonder if this is going to be Kiss No. 2... until he laughs at her gullibility.

Chakor realizes he was messing with her, discouraged at this indication that the kiss meant nothing to him. Her friends commiserate, but are unable to stick around for their planned lunch date - Imli got a job at a beauty salon, while Tina has to eat lunch with her department.

That leaves Chakor to eat alone. Although she can't bring herself to ask Suraj to join her, it's a pleasant surprise to run into him anyway.

Another surprise: The guy behind the counter - who gives Suraj an especially small serving of rice - is Vivaan. He's taken a job working here, in order to keep tabs on Chakor.

Chakor finds a table for them, but to her disappointment, Suraj joins friends at another table without so much as a word.


Later, she spies Suraj sitting at a bench, and eagerly makes her way to join him. But just as Chakor does, he's joined by an older student, Kunal, who tries to recruit him to his club. After some resistance, Suraj agrees.

Chakor is, naturally, curious to know which club it is. It's why Suraj purposely doesn't tell her, because he knows she'd follow him there.

Being called out on it doesn't stop her: When Suraj heads to the club's meeting room, Chakor stealthily follows. He's on to her, and leads her astray, but she eventually finds the right room. This is Top Spin, the tennis club.

Spotting her arrival, Suraj doesn't even look surprised and mutters that she found him after all. To her surprise, there's another familiar face in the group: Natasha. Suraj and Natasha were both champs in the national high school tournament two years ago, explaining how they know each other.

By now Natasha has sized up Chakor as a rival, and although she maintains a pleasant tone of voice, her words border on bitchy - that Chakor shouldn't have come since she doesn't know how to play tennis. Chakor replies that she was told that all she needed was interest.

Suraj tells Natasha to let it rest, but he has to tack on the comment, "She's a thoughtless girl anyway."

At the first practice, the gentle and welcoming Kunal takes his place as their training coach. (Shockingly, he's only a second-year and 21 years old.) Chakor finds Kunal very kind, but Natasha and Suraj trade smirks, because Chakor's about to find out the truth.

Which is? Kunal transforms into a fearsome drill sergeant the moment he gets on the court. He tests the members' proficiency levels one by one, barking orders and delivering fierce serves that can't be returned.

Kunal is nervous around Natasha, and gives her an easy serve. She wants a proper one, and this gives her the chance to show off her prowess. Suraj is next, and he crushes Kunal. This earns him the others' admiration but sends Kunal's temper up another notch, with only one member left: Chakor.

Chakor's scared to go out after Suraj has pissed him off - particularly since this is her first time holding a racquet - but go she must. She dodges a few balls in fear, and then one flies at her face. She blocks it with the racquet, which recoils into her face and knocks her out.

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