Part 1

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Open on a fantasy sequence, set in what looks like an enchanted meadow in a fairy tale, dreamy, romantic, and girlish.
In the daydream, a handsome young man dressed all in white comes upon a sleeping girl, kisses her lightly, then walks away. When the girl wakes, she sees a white horse and follows it through the forest to another meadow, where the horse turns back into a mystery man.

He approaches her and leans in. This time, she anticipates the kiss and purses her lips in readiness...

Which is when she wakes up at school. Chakor, waking from her latest crush-induced fantasy, races off as the bell rings.

In class, Chakor's teacher attempts to exert some authority over her sluggish pupils, but this ain't the last-place class without a reason. Students nape, zone out, and generally slack off. Chakor and her friends aren't worried about their latest grades, though-they're always at the bottom,so what else is new?


While Chakor, Imli, and Tina hang out in the lounge, a student comes by and loses a coin in the soda machine. She's Naina, who's basically a Mean girl, despite being younger than Chakor.

With a flourish, Chakor steps in and kicks the machine to get the soda to pop out, and enjoys basking in the moment. Particularly since it momentarily puts a cork in Naina's superior act.

Chakor moons all over Suraj, which seems to be a pretty common occurrence. Her friends are used to it, and only shake their heads when Chakor shares her daydream and calls him a spirit of the forest. She goes into raptures over his perfection, saying that now she understands how vampires feel- such is his beauty that it makes her want to bite right into him.

Suddenly, Suraj makes his appearance, calm and cool, blithely ignoring the squealing of girls who ooh over his entrance.

Chakor freezes as Suraj approaches, victim to the vicissitudes of adolescent infatuation, and her heart thumps wildly. Naina flutters over to to him offers her soda instead, chattering on as they're close friends as apparently their mothers are friends.

Suraj ignores her, but when his coin also gets stuck in the machine, Naina calls out to Chakor to employ her fix again. She particularly enjoys putting Chakor on the spot, making the latter reluctant to comply but also reluctant to refuse.

So Chakor goes up to the machine, studiously avoiding his gaze, and delivers a kick. Afterward she cringes in embarrassment, not wanting this to be his impression of her, but there's something satisfying in the way Suraj gapes; he's not exactly impressed, but eliciting any reaction at all from his stone-faced demeanor is probably an accomplishment.

Suraj turns to leave, and Imli, trying to help her friend, calls out her name loudly so that he'll hear it. Suraj turns and starts walking back toward them, and Chakor readies herself in anticipation- surely he'll thank her, or say something? But no, he retrieves his coin from the machine. -poor she-

Her friends urge Chakor to confess her feelings, since they'll graduate soon enough. Despite her earlier embarrassment, Chakor bounces right back and clings to the new hope that perhaps Suraj isn't expressing his feelings for her because he doesn't know hers, and decides a confession is just the thing. But how?


Thankfully Chakor's father has more practical advice than her friends, and suggests that a sincere love letter might just work best. Chakor decides he's right, and delivers a letter to his locker in school, then waits nervously for his response.

When he walks by the lounge and shows Chakor no recognition at all, Imli shouts her name loudly, determined to make her friend known. Tina joins her, and this time, they have a reaction.

Suraj asks, " Are you Chakor?" as he makes his way back to them, and holds out a letter to her. Students gather round curiously, and Chakor barely contains her excitement as she opens it, telling him she hadn't dared hope for a reply.

Yet as soon as she starts to read, her excitement fades, replaced by crushing disappointment.

Naina has to live up to her designation as Mean girl, so she swipes the letter from Chakor's grasp, then crows about its contents. Suraj hadn't written her a reply thus, he had graded hers! The letter has been marked up in red pen as he had corrected the spellings and grammar mistakes, and he'd given her a rank D.

Naina positively exults and talks about it loudly for all to hear, while Chakor can only stand there, humiliated. Meanwhile, Suraj just stands there and tells her, " I'm sorry to say this, but I hate dumb girls."

Vivaan comes late to the party but has sized up the situation, and confronts Suraj for his rudeness. He demands that Suraj to apologize, to which Suraj smirks, " For what, correcting her mistakes?"

Vivaan retorts, "Do you only see the mistakes? Don't look at the letters, look at the contents!"

He also challenges Suraj to fight, but the latter swiftly evades the punch as his hands not even moving from his pockets.

The vice principle interrupts, and as Suraj is the golden child, he is dismissed while Vivaan is called in for disciplining.

Finally, Suraj designs to speak and levels a finger at the board that has been posted of the recent test results. Chakor and her friends occupy the lowest status of the school. He also points to a second sign, which marks the 50 top students who are admitted to a special study hall each month.

Turning his scorn to Chakor, he calls her thoughtless for choosing to waste her time rather than caring about more important things: "I hate thoughtless, impudent girls."

Chakor is devastated. Worst of all is probably the fact that he's not wrong- She is the lowest scoring student. Still, she hardly deserves such a drubbing from him.


Chakor takes out her frustration by running around the school, exhausted and stumbling. Her friends urge her to stop, but she insists on running more.

Word of Chakor's encounter with Suraj spreads through the school, making her the laughingstock.


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