Part 18

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The newlyweds ride their couple bikes to school (how cute and totally ridiculous is that?) where they run into Natasha. She notes that Suraj isn't wearing his proof-of-takenness wedding ring, and he nonchalantly says he'll put it on when the marriage is certified.

At that, Natasha beams, taking the opportunity to goad Chakor about the fact that she technically still has a chance with Suraj, since legally, they're nothing. She rushes up to Suraj, linking her arm with his, and throws Chakor a neener-neener look for good measure.

Suraj fills Natasha in on his plan to use the marriage certificate as motivation for Chakor to get into the nursing program, and she marvels at Chakor's single-minded pursuit of all things.

Chakor sighs that her marriage certificate will never see the light of day at this rate, because a spot has to open up in the nursing program for her to even take the test, let alone pass it. Tejaswini decides to take matters into her own hands, and just go register the marriage themselves, without Suraj.

Chakor has to do some maneuvering to get Suraj's ID card out from under his pillow, and when she and Tejaswini head down to the registrar, it turns out that Suraj already had it done. At home, Suraj cops to using it as motivation for Chakor to get into the nursing program, and adds that messing with Chakor is his greatest joy in life. Hahaha. Points for that, Robot Boy. Chakor swears she'll work her hardest.

Kunal gets drafted, and he shyly asks Natasha to write him letters if she's ever bored. She is her trademark curt and haughty self, refusing to throw the guy a bone. He finally asks her not to cry alone anymore, and she calls after him, saying that maybe if she's really bored, she'll go visit him in the army.

Kunal gets a warmer response from Chakor, who is sad to see him go. Kunal thanks her for teaching him a lot in the ways of love, especially changing his mindset that it's okay to make mistakes and be rejected, and that it's worth risking those things to love. He leaves Chakor with a farewell present-he's going to take his roommate (Tina's boyfriend) with him to the army, opening up a spot in the nursing program. Now it's just up to her to pass the entrance exam.

Chakor asks Suraj to help her study like the old days, leading to CPR practice and much cuteness. He smiles adorably as he drops her off for the test, proud that she's come so far.

She aces the written part, amazed that Suraj pretty much knew exactly what would be on the exam. But the oral exam is a giant mess, compounded by the fact that the main interviewer is the same cranky lady from her university entrance interview. She calls Chakor a dummy-killer and Chakor announces to her family that she must've been reaching for the stars, and that she'll find some other major.

Suraj sighs that he really wanted to take Chakor on a date [per their deal to go on a date if she passes], but a promise is a promise. He suggests that maybe going out for dinner doesn't count. Chakor perks up immediately. It's so funny how she's still amazed that her husband likes her.

On her way to meet Suraj for their date on resort, Chakor witnesses a motorcycle accident, and gets to use her CPR skills on a non-dummy. She fights past her fears and saves the woman's life.

Chakor waits in the emergency room to make sure the patient is okay, and the doctor praises Chakor for saving the woman's life. She breathes a sigh of relief and rushes off to meet Suraj, thinking he must've left hours ago.

But she finds him there, waiting and worried. It's not the most dramatic moment, but it's a nice beat, showing that she doesn't have to worry that he'll run off at the first sign of trouble. Suraj really is her home now, and he'll be waiting for her.

He sneaks them into a closed parking lot after hours, upping his cool factor in Chakor's eyes. Suraj: "Do you think there's only one or two cool things about me you didn't know? You're in trouble now." He announces that she's under his spell. -Yeah, where've you been for the last four years, buddy?-

Chakor says that she was originally planning to become a nurse because of Suraj, but she felt something different today, in saving a life. She feels a purpose and a calling, and plans to start from the beginning, applying to college all over again so that she can get into the nursing program.

Suraj smiles widely and tells her that HE'S GETTING ADDICTED TO HER EVERY SINGLE DAY when he's with her and then they kiss which turns to passionate one, with Suraj teasing her for being so forward.

As the end credits roll, we see: Vivaan and Imli together, Tina's boyfriend returning from the army, Natasha visiting Kunal, parents on vacation, and Raj with a new crush (birth of Suraj 2.0, gah).

We come back to Suraj and Chakor in the car, where Suraj finally declares out loud: "I love you and I AM ADDICTED TO YOU!"



Finally COMPLETED this blissful journey!

THANKS to each and everyone who traveled with me in this journey!


And for Silent readers too!

So, who else read this story, please give a look at my another story based on this story as"ADDICTED TO YOU - SURAJ'S DIARY".

OKAY! Enough of my blah blah...

Catch you all later!


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