Part 3

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Chakor reels from the shock of seeing Suraj, of all people, standing in front of her. He cocks his head sideways, taunting her like the bully that he is.

He offers to help carry her bags, but then glibly reminds her that she swore up and down never to receive any of his help. All she can do is shake her head at him, and then privately freak out over this unfortunate series of events.

The family sits down for introductions, and both the fathers confirm that they were as close as two boys could be. Their friendship is adorable. Tejaswini asks Chakor if Suraj is disliked at school, supposing that people don't like his prickly personality and the way he looks down on others. She can't disagree, so she smiles awkwardly. Suraj's little brother turns out to be a Mini-Me version of him. Great. Just what the world needs. He refuses to greet Chakor because she "looks dumb."

Tejaswini takes Chakor upstairs to her new room, which she has redecorated expressly for her. Chakor can't believe such a pretty room is all for her, and Tejaswini squeals in excitement over having a daughter in the house to buy pretty things for, and hang out with.

Suraj gripes at her for causing him inconvenience-now that she has this room, the two brothers have to share a room. He tells her to stop bugging him at school, and she declares that she wouldn't want people to know that they're living together anyway. He corrects her that they're not living together; she's living off his family.

That sends her into a fantasy imagination, where she accosts him with two pink pillows, dressed in black patent leather from head to toe. She pillow-attacks him till he bleeds and cowers in fear, all the while taking out her aggression on the pillows in her room, shouting, "Well I hate smart guys like you!" At that moment, Suraj steps out of the bathroom and into her doorway, sending her to the floor in mortification.

In the bathroom, Chakor catches herself cooing over their matching toothbrushes as she sees Suraj's toothbrush, but she tries to talk some sense into herself, that he doesn't like her and she shouldn't bother him.



The next morning Chakor can't believe she's having breakfast with Suraj, as he continues to look at her with disdain. He does seem fixated on her though, despite his cries for her to leave him alone. He may look down on her, but he's definitely feeling her presence keenly.

He abruptly gets up to go to school early, making Chakor chase after him, since she doesn't know the way to school from his house. She catches up to him, crashing into his back when he stops.

He looks at her like she's a fly, announcing that they can walk to school together just this once, and tells her not to start any rumors at school. On second thought, to pretend she doesn't even know him. He makes her walk a few paces behind him too.

Chakor sneers at him from behind, swears welling up, as she calls him a jerk under her breath. Finally! Hello, backbone! Nice to see you! She says bitterly that she can't believe she liked this guy for three years, feeling regret over all the tears she wasted on him.

Suraj comes to a full stop on the way to school, insisting that she walk ahead of him, since her legs are short and she can't keep up. She hmphs at the insult and walks on ahead, and Suraj takes note of a trenchcoat pervert hiding in the bushes.

At school, Chakor frets over the midterm test that she has to ace, and decides that she'll make the class proud and conquer it. Vivaan arrives with his lackeys in tow, and asks where Chakor's temporary house is. She hems and haws, and he declares they'll go together after school, since he needs to know where "his girl" lives.

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