Part 11

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True to his word, Suraj packs up right away and leaves. Chakor just watches tearfully, unable to say anything, and Suraj gives her one silent lingering look as he walks out. She bemoans the fact that school is now their only connection, and she's sure that Suraj will soon forget all about her.

Chakor sees Suraj pass by on campus, but she's so deflated that she doesn't even want to try talking to him. She's back to being scared, thinking that he wants nothing to do with her. Her friends sigh that she's returned to her high school situation, back to square one with Suraj.

Chakor continues to zombie out at school and tennis practice, until Kunal offers up a trade: if she buys dinner, he'll take her to the place where Suraj works. She smiles for the first time in a week.

They arrive at the restaurant where Kunal works on weekends, since that's also where he got Suraj a job as a server. Chakor meanders about what to order, as Suraj appears at the table. He stays strictly formal with her, just doing his job, but the interaction is enough to bring Chakor to tears, because it's been so long since they've spoken.

She finally stops him to say hi, and asks if he's mad that she came. Suraj just nonchalantly says that he expected her to show at some point, and tells her to keep her mouth shut about it at home.

While eating, Chakor sees a job posting in the restaurant, so she runs over to get a part-time job, only to find that the last position has just been filled-by Natasha of course. She rubs Chakor's nose in it, in her haughty way, making Chakor want to push her face through a row of chocolate pies.

Chakor asks Suraj if she can come by again the next day, which he brushes off as unwelcome. He doesn't say no, but he does remind her not to say anything about it at home. So of course, she goes straight home and blurts everything to Tejaswini. Tejaswini can't wait to sneak a peak, and plans to stalk him at work tomorrow. Chakor realizes her screw up a minute too late and frets over Suraj's imminent anger.

Sure enough, Chakor and Tejaswini show up in disguises, thinking that they're pretty slick. Silly, silly family. Suraj doesn't even go through the motions of being upset, since this is pretty much par for the course with Chakor and his mother.

Natasha shows up at the table to say hi, throwing Tejaswini into a tizzy, "What are YOU doing here?" . She even coaches Chakor to not let Natasha get anywhere with Suraj. She tells her to screw pride and just stick to Suraj like glue, and make sure she sees him every day. Peas in a stalker pod, these two.

Chakor's friends tell her the same thing, and she wonders if Suraj will hate it if she's there every day. But they remind her that following him around is exactly her style, so she decides to go for it, pride be damned.

Chakor shows up again the next day, studying at the table so as not to completely waste her time. Suraj just acts unsurprised and put out, but doesn't tell her to leave either. Natasha shows up at the table to take her order in a thinly veiled passive-aggressive maneuver.

When Chakor says she'll have anything, Natasha sends over a ridiculous amount of food. She continues serving her in that fake-nice tone, as Chakor camps out until Suraj is done. Natasha calls her out on her doggedly obtuse method of chasing Suraj around, wondering aloud what sort of guy would like a girl like that.

Chakor gets kicked out at closing time, and barely scrapes together enough cash to pay for the crazy expensive dish that Natasha ordered for her. She waits outside for Suraj, but then hides when she sees him leave with Natasha.

Chakor follows behind them, reassuring herself that they must be coincidentally heading in the same direction. But she follows them all the way to an apartment building, where they enter and get in the elevator together. Chakor crumples to the ground as she assumes the worst-that Suraj left home to live with Natasha.

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