First Day

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India was running late for her first day at her internship placement at The London Daily. It was one of best selling newspapers  to date. Quite a few  celebrities had  guest edited the paper through the years, which contributed towards its success. She found this out when she was doing  her research on where she would do her work experience in her  last year of  studying Journalism/Creative writing at the University of Kent.

It was extremely competitive to get a placement here; but Anthony Jones the editor was quite impressed with her portfolio of work as she interviewed many local famous people from politics, art, business and the acting fraternity.  The Gods' must've been smiling on her the day she got the call. She had made her family so proud. They held  a surprise party for her, even though she hated  parties or social gatherings.  She only  preferred her own company. The party did go surprisingly well. Well she managed to survive which was the main thing.

India looked at her the clock on her mobile. Shit,  it was almost 10. She was half walking,  half running out of Waterloo Station. By the time she got to the Reception it was 10.10. Being over an hour late would not go down well, so she had to think of a good excuse.

She took the lift to the second floor, and walked along a corridor, which had photos of celebrities lining  the pastel blue wall. She straightened her clothing and with a deep breath knocked on the editors' door.

"Come in."

India opened the door slowly and walked over  to the desk.  He looked up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Oh you finally made it in India . I was beginning to think that you didn't want this position," he glanced at his watch.

"I'm really very  sorry,  India  cleared her throat, but my train was late and I didn't have a number to call Mr Jones and I..."

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, as it's your first day here. But please don't do it again. You can easily be replaced," he said sternly.

"No Mr Jones, it won't." She replied.

"You don't need to be formal India. You can call me Anthony," he gave her a brief smile.

"Ok...Anthony," she replied hesitantly. She found it very uncomfortable addressing people in authority by their first names for some strange reason. She didn't know the reason why.

He introduced her to all the other staff members who were either on the phone or writing up copy. They gave her a polite hello and got on to finish their work to meet the evening print deadline.

Anthony led  her over to an empty desk in the corner. There was another desk opposite it with a red file;  a notepad; pen; a voice recorder and an open laptop. From what she could see someone was in the middle of an article.

"This will be your desk India for the time that you're here with us. You'll be working with Thomas, he's our Entertainment Editor. He's really good at his job but we need some fresh ideas. Hopefully this is where you can  assist him," Anthony told her.

"I'll do my best," India replied nervously.

India saw a man  walking towards  towards them. He had light brown hair and wore retro style blue  glasses.  He was wearing blue jeans and a red t shirt. He didn't look much older than her.

"So sorry Anthony, got caught up with something, he looked at his boss apologetically.  You must be India, placed to meet you".  He shook her hand very firmly.

"Me too, she replied." India thought he seemed like an easy going person.

"So now everyone knows each other. I've got to go. Thomas will look after you and let you know how everything works around here. Anthony stopped, "I almost forgot, you've got a very special assignment tomorrow. Thomas will fill you in on the details. Any problems come to me or talk to Thomas."

"Thank you Anthony," India replied.
She watched him head towards his office and let out a sigh.

Thomas was sitting at his  desk now. India looked at him and smiled.

"So what's the special assignment for tomorrow?"

"We will be interviewing The 1975. They've just released a new album. Hence all this on my desk."

India replied, "I had noticed that."

The 1975. Wow. She thought. She was so into them at school, but what put her off was the bad boy habits of Matty Healy. Especially the drug taking. Had he cleaned himself up she wondered? Probably not.

"What will I be doing Thomas?," she asked him while she sat at   her desk.

"You'll be taking notes and be my shadow for the day. You'll get a laptop tomorrow morning, but you'll have a tablet to take to the interview. "

It was about 2.00 when Thomas finished  talking to her about all the rules and regulations of working at the Daily London and some more details of the interview with The 1975. Thomas showed her around the building including the restaurant, where she had a cheese and tomato Panini and Green tea.

When she got back to her desk an hour later, she noticed that there were  only a few people in the office.  They'd probably had some assignments to do  or gone home early.

Thomas was in a meeting about tomorrows' interview, so she decided to have a look at some notes on his desk.

They had named their album Your Pain My Pleasure. It said in quotes "The title comes from   personal experiences and how they  can be overcome". India though to herself, Mattys' drug addiction no doubt. Why did the title sound so familiar?

"I see you're keen in familiarising yourself with my notes."

She turned around startled, " I'm sorry...I hope you don't mind."

"No of course not. You might get to ask   one of the boys a few questions of your own," Thomas replied.

India thought to herself, I hope I don't have to  ask  him.

Ok so this is my first chapter. Apologies for any mistakes or grammatical errors in advance. Any comments are welcome.

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