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They had to leave quite early. They had a quick breakfast and checked that they hadn't forgotten anything in the flat. Matty got a text from Ross saying that they would be there at 8.00. Him and the others stayed at a nearby hotel. Well they could hardly sleep on the floor could they! They didn't want to strain their backs and cancel the tour. Matty could not do without his Brothers.

Matty looked at Aaisha who was looking through her phone. He had just made some tea and toast went over to her. She took a slice from the plate and looked at him.

"Everythings' happening just so fast. I don't think I can handle it "

"You've got me India. Oh and the boys." He took her hand and kissed it.

"I know...but this doesn't seem real to me. It's like a dream. Us. Some devil worshipping group wanting to kill me. Mum and Dad leaving me...I just don't think..."

"Then don't think India. Just don't ever think like that. Matty cut in. You've got me. We've got a future together. We're a team." He reaasured her and kissed her hair.

His phone started to ring, it was Adam. "Alright see you 15."

They didn't have to wait long, when Matty saw a white van pull up outside. The doorbell rang. It was Ross.

"Hey. Ready to go?" He seemed to be in a very jubilant mood.

"Oh yeah." Matty replied. Ready as fucking ever!" He took Indias' hand in his own and squeezed it gently. She looked at him anxiously. "Babe everything will be alright."

"Yeah. I hope so." She was still thinking about Georges' attitude towards her.

Matty the front door and locked it while India followed Ross to the van. Adam and George were already on there way to this secret hideaway, so they could get everything ready for them.

India  gave Ross the postcode of her home and he tapped into the Sat nav. She was feeling very nervous and scared because it wouldn't be the same place without her parents. Even though she was only picking up probably two large suitcases full.of clothes and other belongings. Marty could feel the tension as well and squeezed her hand.

"It'll be ok India. I know exactly you feel about going back home. You've got me and Ross."

"My two knights in shining armour. I'm so privileged." She said aloud.

But you'll know I'll always be the one to make you scream when I put my..

"Stop Matty!"

"What are you doing to the poor girl Matty?", Ross looked very worryingly at India.

"Oh nothing mate. Just mind games. he smirked at India. She nudged him in the ribs. That hurt... not." He grinned at her. She just scowled at him.

"Settle Down Matty." Ross chuckled.

"Thank you Ross." India remarked.

"Our Matty can get a bit wild sometimes."

India looked at Matty who her gave that smirk of his. I know exactly what you're thinking Matty.

You're thinking the same thing darlin'. You've got such a dirty mind.

India stamped on his foot. He didn't even react which surprised her. Matty pinched her waist. "Ouch."

"Are you ok." Ross asked.

"I'm fine. Just felt a nasty twitch that's all." She could see Matty grinning from the corner of her eyes. He was such a distraction to her and he knew it.

Matty got a text from Adam saying that they'd arrived , and were going to making the place ready for them. He replied saying that they hadn't got to the house yet, because there was lots of traffic and would text them when they were on their way.

You Belong To Me/ Matty Healy storyWhere stories live. Discover now