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I had my arms   just below Indias' tits. They did feel slightly bigger and much firmer.. I must have that effect on her body. Her arse was nestling comfortably against my groin right where it should be. Maybe I could have a another quick session...

Someone was knocking on the bedroom door. Just by luck. "Matty are you in there?" I pulled on my boxers and strode over to the door. It was Hann. Surprise surprise.

"Keep it quiet. She's still asleep." I hissed.

"So you had your wicked way with her then. You dirty..."

"Shut it...Hann. Is something wrong?"

"We're in big trouble. I think they've found us. Ross saw half a dozen lights outside."

I stepped out onto the landing and shut the door slightly.

"What the fuck. George must've told them somehow.  Fucking bastard."

"What do you want us to do?" Adam looked at me apprehensively.

"You know about the  room downstairs right. Adam nodded his head. You and Ross  get   everything ready. I'll be downstairs later. I have to get India prepared."

This is going to end tonight.  It fucking has to.

He ran downstairs and I stepped back in the room. India had just opened her eyes. "You need to get in the shower now.

"What...why?..I'm still tired...

"Shower. Now."

"Give me a chance Ma...."

I picked her up and carried her to  the bathroom, standing her up in the shower. I opened the cap of a  dark blue  bottle and put it in her hand.

"They're coming for me. Aren't they Matty." She looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"No....India nobody is going to take you away from me. I'm doing this to protect you. Get yourself washed.."

I passed her a towel to dry herself. Then I opened another bottle. I took
the towel away from her spraying her with the tincture...

      You are divine
So pure
Protect this earthly child
From all the ungodly creatures of this world
She is a child of heaven

I wrapped  the towel back around her and we walked  back into the bedroom.

I watched India stiffly. walk to the chest of drawers. I definitely gave her a good workout.

I put on on my joggers and headed downstairs. " Don't be long, " I yelled.

I was so anxious and tense and I was taking it on India. I didn't mean to. She means the world to me and more. I hope the Gods' were going to be on my side today.

"We've got everything ready." Ross came into the kitchen as I put Indias'  breakfast on the table.

"Good.. What's  Adam doing?"

"Loading the last few guns..."

India came downstairs  "Did I hear someone mention guns?"

Ross was about to speak...

"India just have some breakfast alright. I sighed. I know what I'm doing."

You Belong To Me/ Matty Healy storyWhere stories live. Discover now