Safe Haven

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"The boys are coming today." , Matty announced over breakfast.

"That's great. Thank you Matty. I really appreciate you doing this for me. "

India wanted to go back home, now that Matty decided that they were not going to stay at his flat. She was thinking about how to tell him but she was afraid of how he would react. She looked at his face the scratches were still visible, but they were hardly noticeable.

"Do you still hurt Matty,?" She asked him while taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

He took her hand and kissed it, "No. It's not your fault babe. The sooner we get out of this place. The better our lives will be."

India thought now was the best time to tell him about what she was thinking. "Why don't we go back to my home?."

"Have you lost your mind, India. Your not going back there!" he exclaimed.

"Nobody will know that I'm there."

"I know better than you. If they come after you. That's the first place they'll try! That place has too many weak spots."

India could see that Matty was trying to contain his anger. Why did she have to be so dumb. She didn't know much about the real world. Her parents had protected her from all the bad stuff.

"Sorry Matty. I didn't think." She stood up quickly before Matty could see her cry. She had done enough of that since she had been here.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her down to sit closer to him. She tried to shield her face away but he tilted her chin up towards him.

"Look at me India." He said softly

She gazed into his brown eyes. Just looking at his face, gave her butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

"Smile for me." She lifted her mouth slightly. That's my girl", and kissed her on the cheek.

....need to pack your things we're leaving early tomorrow...

'India...." Matty waved his hand in front of her face.

"Huh...what did you say?"

"You were staring at me ."

"Excuse me. I was so not.", she scoffed.

"I was watching you."

"What! I never stare. It's rude to stare."

"Don't deny it India."

"Ok. Maybe I was staring. A girl can't help it when she's literally living with the most coolest guy on the planet!"

"Just cool?" , he sounded surprised.

"Hmmmm yes."

"So I'm not sexy as fuck, and you don't think my body is good enough for you?"


"And I havn't got the best legs and arse you've ever seen."


"So I don't drive you crazy, every time I touch you."


"Quite sure about that?"

"Of course I am.... India felt his hand go up her leg...and tease the skin inside her thigh...,,What are you doing Matty?"

"Just to prove a point."

She tried to move his hand away, but he pinned her arms behind her body..

About what?", she breathed as he began to rub his hands over wet flesh.

"That you're a liar."

He put his mouth against hers, her lips parted of their own accord. He inserted a finger inside her, sliding it in and out of her wetness. She moaned his name breathlessly against his mouth in between kisses.

"So what are you India?"

"A liar Matty. A very bad liar." She breathed.

She felt her whole body flush after that make out session. So she had a shower to cool her down. He seemed to act spontaneously when he was around her and she couldn't help reacting the way she did. Matty just couldn't stop smiling to himself which really annoyed her. He could be so unbearable sometimes!!

Matty got a call from Ross to say to say that they would arrive there in about half an hour. They had finished packing everything that they could. There were boxes and bags all over the place.

"Will you miss this place?", she asked him.

"Not really."


"It was just somewhere to live so I could be near the record company. Came home to an emptiness. Drugs and booze were my salvation until your parents came along....They saved me from killing myself."

India went over to him and hugged him tightly and started to cry. "I never knew that you that you could be alone...empty inside. I'm so sorry."

"Don't cry babe. You weren't to know. How could you know about the state of my mental health." He took her head in his hands and kissed her. Promise me you won't cry again. ," he kissed her hair.

"I promise Matty."

The doorbell rang, Matty went downstairs to open it. She heard them come upstairs. Ross and Adam came over to her and gave her a hug

"Hello India., Ross chimed. Hope Matty has been treating you well."

"He can be a bit of an arse sometimes.", Adam said.

"No. He's been alright I suppose, she noticed that George wasn't with them. "Someone's missing...where's Muppet face?"

"They both laughed.

"George is downstairs helping Matty.", Adam replied.

For some strange reason she felt a bit uneasy about George. Should she tell Matty? They were quite close, she didn't want to upset anyone.

They took all the boxes and bags downstairs and loaded a large black lorry, which India saw from the window.

India went downstairs to see where Matty was. He must be outside she thought to herself. George was coming from the living room, he looked preoccupied.

"Hi George. So nice to meet you again."

"Hello.", he grunted...

I must have caught him at a bad time she thought.

Matty came back in and saw Indias' worried expression, "hey babe. Everything alright?"

"Yeah fine. Are you nearly done?"

"Yep. It's gonna be a new start for us both." Matty took her in his arms, but India saw George standing behind them. His eyes turning blood red...




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