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I opened my eyes and found myself wrapped up in a blanket. One of the boys must have come to check.on me. I still.felt a bit groggy after everything that had happened yesterday. The wine that I had didn't seem to help either. Three were two paracetamol and a glass of water on the table beside me. My boys certainly knew how to look after me. After ten minutes I felt better.

It was still early so I crept upstairs to take a long shower . I wanted to see India, but decided not to. I hoped she was going to be alright with me. I couldn't lose her I was all she had now. She had to understand that. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes.

There was a knock at the door. " You can come in Ross."

He stepped into the room and closed the door. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been in the ring with Tyson fucking Fury."

"That bad. At least it's over now. "

"Yeah mate."

"Adam told India about her parents."

"She must've taken it really badly." Ross sat beside me and put his arm around me. I was dreading what he was going to say next.

"Yes she did. But she's not angry at you. She still needs you Matty."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I needed to see her now. "I'm.just going to..."

"Ok. I'll start on breakfast."

I went into Indias' room. She was tossing and turning all over the bed. " Matty don't leave me. I need you...Matty...."

I rushed towards her and took her in my arms. "India I'm here. I'm not going to leave you baby."

She opened her eyes and looked at me. Her bottom. lip started to quiver and I could see tears forming in her eyes. "No tears". I said sternly.

" tears, " she repeated in a childlike voice. She wrapped her arms around my neck and muzzled her face into my chest.

"We're going to be ok. Aren't we Matty?" She asked me while her hand began roaming underneath my shirt. This girl really kills me.

":Yes India." I took her hand away before she got too carried out. "I'm starving so I'll see you downstairs."

"Alright." She yawned and stretched her arms.

" India.."


I hesitated.."Thank you for trusting me."

She came over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you for finding me and taking care of me and..


"Loving me." She blushed and quickly disappeared into the bathroom.

I got myself some muesli and juice. Adam and Ross were looking at me worryingly.


"Are you going to tell Jamie about George?"

"Yes Adam. I'll think of something."

"We have to get a new drummer. Maybe I could take your place and you can play the drums?"

"No fucking way mate. I barked at Ross. Just because you had a small role in Change of heart you want some of my glory..His face fell. I'll talk to Jamie."

India came downstairs. She looked very sullen. "Everything alright India babe?"

"I heard you shouting."

"Umm. It was nothing that concerned you.

"Fine." She sighed.

"Actually Ross wanted to replace me as singer." I told her. Why was I shutting her out.


"So he could go back to playing the drums." Ross quipped.

"Wow. You're so talented... at most things Matty."

She sat down beside me and ate her breakfast. I gently squeezed her thigh.; which caused her to flinch. " Most things India.. I whispered in her ear. What about when I drive you wild. My hand caressed the inside of her thigh. She grabbed my hand and pinched it hard. "Oww."

"What happened?"

"I just hit my hand Adam." India grinned at me.

When we were alone I went up behind her and sucked on her neck, while she was putting the last of the dishes away. I loved it when she just melted into my touch. I stopped after a few minutes and turned her to face me. " That's for pinching me babe." I kissed her lips and went to find Adam and Ross.


It was around mid morning. All four of us were heading to London to go and see Jamie about replacing George, the tour and our forthcoming album. Fingers crossed everything would be sorted out otherwise we would have to postpone the tour. None of us didn't want that to happen.

With everything crossed I hoped that the meeting would go the way I wanted...

Almost finished guys until I lay my first Matty story to rest..

You Belong To Me/ Matty Healy storyWhere stories live. Discover now