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I woke up feeling very tired.. Still thinking how George betrayed me and my arguement with India. I shouldn't have lost it with her like that. She was so fragile still. I needed to apologise. Last night I wanted to go in her room and lie next to her but I didn't think it was a
good idea. On top of that either Ross or Adam would've stopped me.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. It was bad. The face I saw looked as though it had been on an all night piss up. Bleary eyed, sallow skin, crazy hair. I knew that India would look and feel exactly the same.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, India was trying to eat some muesli. While Adam and Ross were sitting beside her.

"You've got to eat something India, you'll feel so much better." Ross spoke to her gently.

"We know that last night was a bit upsetting for you, but we're her for you." Adam assured her.

I'm the one who was supposed to be there for her. I was getting a bit pissed about them getting comfortabe with India. I knew they were trying to help, but I couldn't help feeling jealous. I needed to talk to her. I needed her.

"Matty you look like death warmed up. " Ross exclaimed. Indias' face shot up to look at me. It looked as though she was about cry again, Adam put his arm around her shoulders.

I made myself some toast and tea and sat opposite India. "How're you feeling?"

She was about to open her mouth she Ross cut in, "Can't you tell mate. I mean look at her."

"She can speak for herself Ross." I reached out to touch her hand, but she pulled it back and stood up. She didn't want me touching her now. Oh fuck I needed to fix this.

"I don't want you arguing over me, so I'm just going to be upstairs and let you boys talk..." She ran up the stairs and I went after her.

"India..I just wanted to...she slammed the door in my face...say sorry....". I could hear her crying. I opened the bedroom door, she was sitting on the floor, with her legs bent up and her head resting on her knees.

"Go away Matty." Her voice sounding hoarse. I walked towards her and sat down beside her.

"India, I said softly. She looked up at me with her innocent eyes waiting for me to continue. At that moment I just wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her. I'm sorry babe." She threw her arms around me and kissed me all over my face. She had no idea how she made feel right now. My body was on fire.

"I'm sorry too."

"Sorry for what?"

"My naivety, my stupidity and dumbness."

" No India, don't say that." I wiped the rest of her tears away and kissed her mouth.

India ran her hands across my face, " look awful."

"What did you just say?, I replied in shock amusement.

"I mean...did you not get enough sleep ?"

"Did you?" She shook her head.

"I couldn't stop thinking about George. How he could ever be part of this it's going to affect you and the others...your tour..."

" don't need to worry about anything. Me and the boys have got this."

"What are you going to do about George?" She asked nervously...

"Torture him and then let him die a slow death." I replied bluntly.

"'re going to kill him just like that!"

"India. It's the only way."

"That's your way. " She muttered.

"Oh so you think the police can do something about this shit."

"I didn't say..."

"I know you're thinking it. They don't understand satanic cults or their ways!"

India stood up abruptly and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I demanded. She didn't answer and opened the door. I walked up behind her and slammed the door. Tell me India, " I breathed into her ear. Her body was reacting to me, like I knew it would.
She turned around slowly and looked up at me, so our faces were inches apart. I locked my eyes with hers, but she dipped her head and started to play with her fingers.

I knew that she knew I wanted to fuck her. I missed touching her...feeling her soft skin next to mine.

Look at me India.

I need to go...

She reached for the doorknob and turned it. Then someone knocked at the door.

"India is Matty there? We need to talk about George."

"Yes he is Ross. She looked at me. At least someones' got some sense around here," she hissed at me.

"We'll be in the garden. " Ross yelled whike he ran down the stairs.

I bent down towards Indias' face. "Don't you dare step out of this room while I'm gone. It's far too dangerous for you. Otherwise I'll have to use those handcuffs on you again sweetheart." I pressed my lips against hers. She tasted sweeter than ever.

"You. you wouldn't dare Matty."

"India I meant what I said. Don't test me. Alright."

She moved out of the way quickly and sighed. "You're crazy Matty."

"You drive me crazy darling." As I left her room I could hear her swearing at me.

Adam and George were sitting on a bench drinking tea. I went over to them and lit a cigarette. I needed to give them up. India didn't like me smoking. I looked over at George. Being tied to a tree in the cold hadn't affected him at all. The bastard.

"We've interrogated him. He hasn't said much." Adam apologised. All he's been saying is their going to come for India and sacrifice her."

"We need to protect this house and India somehow." Ross interjected.

I walked over to the tree and stubbed my cigarette on his arm. "Ahh Matty my friend. You think you can get anything out of me. Then your sadly mistaken." He snarled. They know where your bitch is...shame she's still alive I could've cut her up and...."

"Don't you fucking say one more word against her. I picked up a large black stone and through it at his head. He didn't even wince.

"Try a bit harder mate."

"Tell me where they meet." I got a knife from my pocket and placed it over his heart."

"Fuck off. I'm not going to tell you nothing. Kill me. At least I got to touch.."

I saw red and sliced the knife through his wrists. The ends of his arms were smoking. Ross and Adam came running towards me.." Check on India...he touched her.." I started to panic.

He looked at me and growled "She's gonna die TONIGHT. Your bitch is DEAD."

I plunged the knife into his heart. His body disintegrated into dust. All that was left were his shirt and trousers. I rummaged through the pockets and found an address. That was all I needed to take this group out.

Yay.. I finished another fucking Chapter. It's such hard work. I might do a couple more. I'll see how it goes...Apologies for any grammatical errors or mistakes in advance guys...Thanks xxx

You Belong To Me/ Matty Healy storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin