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I got a bottle out of my trouser pocket and sprinkled the contents over Georges' remains. They vanished into nowhere. Adam and Ross hadn't come back out. That meant that there was something wrong with India. I ran back into the house and bolted up the stairs.

When I opened the bedroom door India was lying on the bed. Her whole body was shaking. Her eyes were closed and she was deathly pale.

"She doesn't look right Matty. I gave her some water." Ross looked at me helplessly.

I handed him the bottle. "The bastard touched her. Can you sprinkle this around the outside of the house and in the garden and say this while your doing it. I gave Ross a piece of paper from my shirt pocket...

It read

May the Angels of Heaven
Guardians of the earth
Spirits of the ocean
Banish the darkness
Fill this haven with
All your love and light

"Can you do that?"


I went over to India and examined her arms. There was a blue mark on her wrist. Shit. I raced into the room next door and got another bottle from draw beside the bed and sprinkled the liquid on her wrist and over her body.

"Adam can you just make sure that all the doors and windows are secure. I'm going to have to do a cleansing ritual."

Adam looked at me a bit puzzled.

"I'll have to wash herwith this tincture!" 7

I quickly ran a warm bath and poured some of the liquid into the water. When I got India into the bathroom I had to rip her clothes off, and push her into the tub. I couldn't waste any time. I massaged the liquid into her naked body with a sponge and applied it neat to her wrist. Her eyes began to flutter. The liquid on her skin began to smoke and sizzle...Fucking shit.

"Matty...I'm burning...,"

Before she could finish her sentence I threw off my clothes and leaped into the tub, intertwining my body with hers. She held onto me tightly, while I rocked her against me.

"Matty make it stop...pleaaasse." She screamed while she dug her nails into me.

"Just hold onto me  baby. It'll be over soon."  I tried to reassure her.

Her body jerked against me violently,so my back hit the side of the tub, water splashing over the sides. Her breathing slowed and she slumped her head against my chest. I eased her off of me gently, and got out of the bath. I grabbed a towel for myself and a dressing gown for her.

"Matty I didn't go outside...I stayed here..I did what I was told...Matty I.."

"Ok.ok. India..You need to rest now. "

I carried her over to the bed and put the duvet over her. The colour had returned to her cheeks and she had stopped shaking.

"I'm just going to get you something to help you sleep." She didn't reply. This whole ordeal has drained her completely.

I put on my clothes and went downstairs. Adam and Ross were in the lounge watching television.

"Is everything secure Adam?"

"Yeah. I've doublelocked everything." He assured me.

Ross handed me the the tincture bottle. "There's still enough in there just in case you might need it again." He remarked.

"I hope not. But if George told them about this place then this is the  only thing that can protect us."

"How is India? Ross asked.

"Traumatised. She needs some rest. I sighed. I'm.just going to make her something to eat." I went into the kitchen and made a mug of hot chocolate and toast. I put two drops of the tincture in the mug. This way she wouldn't get any  nightmares.

I went back into the bedroom, and set the tray on the bedside cabinet. India had her eyes closed. She opened her eyes when I sat next to her. She smiled faintly and took my hand in hers.

"I'm still alive then."

"You're still with me darling." She looked at the tray. You better  get something in you before you sleep."

She pulled herself up from the bed and grabbed the slices of toast and shoved them in her mouth. Then she gulped down the contents of the mug in go. "I didn't know I was this hungry. That was so good Matty."

"Do you want some more?"

"No..but I need some help to go the bathroom."

I helped her to the door and waited outside for her. When she'd finished she made her own way to the chest of drawers. She slipped out of the dressing gown and pulled a  long t shirt over herself. Oblivious to the fact that I watching her the whole time and I wanted to be inside her, feel her screaming my name over and over again.

As she lay down in bed she turned towards me, "What did you do to George?", I knew she knew the answer.

"He's gone. Vanished."

"You've killed him. Havn't you?"

"You know the answer to that India. So why ask?"  I replied bitterly.

"I can't believe it."

"I had no fucking choice. I had to protect you. I went over to her and cupped her face in my hands. I didn't want to lose you again."

"Whatever you say. I'm tired. Her eyes started to close slowly. Just go Matty."

I rested her head on the pillow and  kissed her cheek.  "Sweet dreams." I checked all the windows were secure and double locked. I sprinkled the tincture around the whole room and in the bed too.

I needed to be with India tonight. To feel her body against mine. To feel her breath on my skin.

Tonight I feared the worst  for her. Fuck knows I wasn't going to let that happen...

Another chapter done and dusted. Go me..

You Belong To Me/ Matty Healy storyWhere stories live. Discover now