chapter twenty

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"BELLA!!!?" joker yelled

"WHAT!?" I called back


I met mister j in the living room in my outfit. Two ponytails and my bat

"Nick needs a urgent meeting with me
Apparently its serious!" J explained

"Can I come?" I asked

J nodded and we drove to the club. Sitting with nick.

"What could be so important" j growled

"Batsy has found your location. Your home. I don't know why or how but he has" nick explained "you've triggered something in him.."

J laughed insanely and cracked his knuckles. His insane grin turned to a serious gaze. Lurching from his seat. Joker grabbed nick slamming him against the wall. Positioning the gun to nicks temples.

"Now you've triggered something in me!" J growled "you've told him my location ...Havent you!?"

I positioned my gun ready to shoot and tensed my body.

"I Havent mister j I swear" nick strained "he's after Bella more than you!"

"He will never lay a hand on her...EVER!!" j growled tightening his grip "now tell me!...why is he after Bella too!?"

"She's yours. That's why. He wants you both dead!" Nick panicked

"Ohhh..." J growled "but how does he know my location!!?"

Nick didn't answer. I cocked my head and narrowed my eyes at him. His eyes flickered to me then Mister J.

"ANSWER ME!!?" j yelled

The club was silent now. Everyone watching and girl dancers trembling and breathing heavy.

"I told him!" Nick answered

"Just as I thought..." J growled "any last words??"

Nick tried shaking his head and screwed his eyes shut. J fired a bullet through his head. Nicks body fell limp to the floor. Blood oozing out over he varnished floor.

J looked around and smartened his suit.

"Where are the dancers?" J called

The music started playing again.

"DANCE!!" j yelled.

Joker sat down angrily. Legs apart and breathing heavy.

Gently sitting beside him. Running a hand down his chest in hope of calming him down.

"This is serious Bella!" J admitted

"What are we going to do?" I asked

Quickly the music stopped, dancers ran backstage with men gripping their drinks and staying silent. The whole club was deadly silent...a pin dropped on the floor could be heard.

"The bats here" the bartender spoke.

Joker locked eyes with me as we stood. Joker grabbed my arms.

"Listen bells. I need you to hide!" Joker insisted

I went to Argue

"Now!!" J growled

"Miss ...this way!!" The bartender demanded

"Go ..." J purred

I quickly pecked him and the bartender lifted up a rug and hide me beneath the bar in a secret cellar.

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