Chapter 4

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Nash finally returned with the laptop. "Uh Jess?" "Yeah Nash?" "Dude the last time I checked was last night. it now says bought.. By us!!" "Nash You're lying!! ahh I'm so excited!!" "Yeah Me too!"

J-Morning Guys

CD-Morning Jess


N-we got news!

CD-What's up? how you guys doin?

J-Me and Nash Are moving into our own place!

CR-Cool! where?


CD-Guys!! I'm so excited is it close to mine or Carter's house?

J-actually yes. to yours cam, it's actually the mansion right next to your house!

CD-that's so cool! that house is huge and it's just for you 2! That's awesome!

J-Yep. I gtg guys I'll text you guys later! Can't wait to see you guys at the beach!!

I left the convo and went to take a shower. I let the hot boiling water hit my skin. As I was listening to music. Especially my favorite song by Troye Sivan. 'Happy Little Pill' which I was completely obsessed with. I got out the shower and changed into my hot pink bathing suite with my cameron dallas crop top with high waisted shorts. I checked my phone and saw that Twitter had 3 notifications I opened my phone to see the tweets i'd been mentioned in.


Hanging out with the best friends later! @camerondallas @nashgrier @jessg_xoxo


Hanging with the twin and the bros later @jessg_xoxo @camerondallas @carterreynolds😂❤️👌✌️ #beachflowww


#beach with the Bæssss later👌😂✌️😘😊😎😜 @jessg_xoxo @carterreynolds @nashgrier

I retweeted all of their tweets and headed out the door with my Red Vans. Of course matching with the main bae✊Cam-Cam. "Hey Nash! You ready!" "Yep lemme grab the keys." "Can I drive?" "Nah Lemme drive. I'm older." "By 2 1/2 minutes! haha lets go."

Tough LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora