Chapter 8

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Nash and I drove home together and my parents were home waiting for us in the living room. "Nash, Jessica. Start packing. You're moving to a mansion next to Cameron's house and we are going to go check it out in 15 minutes." Nash answered as I just ignored them and went upstairs. I had already started packing a while ago so I didn't have much left except for clothes. I changed and headed downstairs waiting by jumping on the trampoline while Nash changed and came out to join me. "Hey Jess." He said as he was jumping on the trampoline. "Hey Nash. I can't wait to see the house!" "Me neither." Nash said. "Nash Jess!" My parents called us inside. We ran around the house to the car. And we sat in the back row. We whispered to each other the whole way to the house we were so excited it see the house and to pick our rooms. Obviously each of us gets a master bedroom since there was 2 of them available in the house. Another room across my bedroom was for my office/home schooling room. We put 2 desks in opposite sides if the room. I had my iMac, MacBook Pro, ipad mini, iPad, and my touch screen computer to edit videos. I make vines and some YouTube videos I guess I was 'vine famous' or whatever but Nash and Cameron and Carter were too. They were more famous than I was. I set everything up at the desk and it was way bigger than the 'desk' I had at my old house. I unpacked all the cables and keyboards out of the boxes they were in and placed them on my desk. I then decided to go check out the gym, den, and the rest of the rooms since we could have friends that could crash in our house after just hanging. Cameron and Carter came over after we settled most of our stuff in. The place was already furnished a week before for us. So we didn't have to do as much moving from the old house to here. "Hey Babe." Cameron said as he kissed me. "Hey Cam." I said giving him hug. Approaching behind Cameron was Carter. "Hey Carter." "Sup." he said trying to be rude and all. He's been acting strange and it's getting on my nerves.

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