Chapter 12

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It was Carter. "Carter what're you doing here? I don't want to see you." "I'm here to see you. I can't get you out of my head." He said coming in closing the door. "What're doing?!" I said as he was pushing me against the wall near the door. He kissed me. "I love you Jessica." "Carter leave me alone. I don't like you. Stop get off of me." "What if I don't want to babe. Just kiss back already." "No I'm not going to kiss back! I don't like you!! And get prepared to die. Nash and Cameron are here." "I don't care about them I just want to kiss you." He said still kissing me as his hand went under my shirt. Cameron and Nash walked in on him kissing me. "Get the fuck off of her!" Cameron said to Carter pushing him off. I ran to Nash and hugged him. Cameron was on top of Carter punching the shit out of him. He dragged him outside and made him leave. I cried into Nash's chest "Why can't he just leave me alone? I never did anything to him and he's always going after me." "Jess are you ok?!" Cameron said coming through the door hugging me. "I'm sorry we should've just come straight back. If we didn't go get breakfast he wouldn't have done this." "It's not your fault guys." Cameron hugged me again and kissed me. "I love you Cameron." "I love you too Jess." We ate Denny's and sat on the couch with Cameron. "What do you wanna do today?" Cameron said. "I don't know. Watch a movie?" "Yeah sure. Which one?" "The Fault In Our Stars." "Okay that's good. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." "Ok." Matt texted me.

M-Hey I'm in Calabasas right now. I wanted to talk about Cam's birthday. Wanna have lunch or dinner to talk about it?

J-yeah sure. When do you wanna meet up?

M-Maybe Thursday. You know after we're settled in the Hotel.

J-oh yeah I forgot we are leaving tonight for New York.

M-ok then Thursday it is see ya then

Cameron walked downstairs. "Who ya texting?" "Oh it was just Matt. He's in Calabasas right now." Oh. Awesome. Wanna go bowling instead?" "Yeah sure. Wanna invite Nash?" "Yeah I'll go tell him."

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