Chapter 20

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Jessica's POV~

After the kiss I grabbed my suitcases out of Nash's room and put them in my room. "Aren't you going to change? It's 4:30 and we have to leave in like 15 minutes." I asked Cameron. "Yeah. But it only takes me like 5 minutes so I'll change in 5 minutes." We both laughed because that's all he needed to get dressed. I needed way more time than that. We left and went downstairs to the room where tables were set up and a stage was there. I was at a table with Nash and Cameron. I was on the left and Cameron in the middle. The table over was Carter and Mahogany and Carter was on the right. So basically I was sitting next to Carter. I just tried ignoring him while I was meeting a lot of fans. Which most of them were really nice but some others were threatening like stay off Cameron. But I didn't really care. When the meet and greet was done Carter stood up at the same time I was so I just turned around and went another way. He rolled his eyes but I don't care if he does because he's not even a good person. I went backstage and there was a table with refreshment so I got a bottle of water as someone grabbed my waist. I turned around and saw Carter. "Carter leave me alone don't you understand I will NEVER like you. I'm tired of you." I said as he pulled me into a kiss. I turned my face to avoid him kissing me. "No. Don't try to kiss me." I said as I went back out. Cameron was on with Matt so I stood at the stairs to see them. I decided I was going to tell Cameron about Carter after the performance. They came downstairs and I saw Cameron. "Babe can we go talk about something?" "Yeah sure what is it?" He said as we were headed backstage. "When you were up on stage I came back here to get a bottle of water." "Ok.. Then what happened?" "Carter came in and grabbed me by the waist. He tried kissing me but I avoided it by turning my face. I'm tired of him doing this to me. He doesn't understand that I don't like him and he has a girlfriend already." He hugged me and we kissed. "It's going to be ok. I'll be here." We walked back out. The show ended so we all went to our hotel rooms. "Hey Jess." "Hey Taylor." "I just wanted to say this. But I like you. A lot." I was shocked I couldn't have him like me. "Taylor look I'm with Came-" I was talking until he pulled me in for a kiss. Cameron walked in and saw us kissing. "Jess! Taylor?!" "Cameron let me explain." "Taylor get out!" He walked out and Cameron walked into the bathroom. "Cameron come out I just want to talk." He walked out in his towel around his waist. "Cam. Please just talk to me." "What?! You expect me to be fine after you were kissing Taylor!? How am I supposed to take that? I walked in on you both kissing what do you want me to do? Say oh it's ok don't worry about it. Jessica what am I supposed to do?!" "Cameron please-" "No. I just want to go to sleep. We can talk about this tomorrow." I laid down on the bed and started crying. I've never seen him this mad before. I just wanted to explain to him what really happened. I felt him get on the bed but face the wall. "Cameron. I'm sorry." "We'll talk tomorrow." He said in a angry tone. I woke up and didn't see cameron so I texted him.

J-where are you? We need to talk

C-I'm out and do we really need to talk? I saw what you and Taylor were doing

J-if you'd let me explain you'd get the situation

J-Just come back

He never answered and I was looking through tweets until I saw him kissing another girl. I laid back in bed and cried. He came in and saw me crying. "Jess. What's wrong?" "What's wrong is that you didn't let me explain and I find out you kissing someone on Twitter! You don't understand what happened and instead you think it's fine to just go kissing someone as payback." "Jessica. Look I'm sorry." "No. You didn't let me explain what happened with Taylor and you automatically think it's fine to go Makeout with random girls as revenge or something Cameron! If you would just listen for once!" I said as I was crying. "Go ahead. Explain then." "I don't think it's worth explaining if I see you with another girl. Do you know how I felt when I saw that right after you get mad you go out fine someone kiss them and have them post it where I can see it?!"

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