Chapter 10

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Cameron's POV~

I saw Jessica texting someone but I decided to ask her about it later. "Hey can we go see your room now?" "yeah sure. Lemme help you up." She helped me up and go upstairs to her room. I laid down on the bed to calm my body down a little bit. "Wow. It's huge. and it's just for you and nash. pretty nice house." I told Jess. I patted the bed down next to me signaling her to come sit next to me. She came over and laid down with me. "So who were you texting downstairs?" I asked her. "Oh. It was Carter. I'll show you the texts. Wait a minute." She went to grab her phone off the nightstand. I started reading the texts. Surprised by the texts Carter sent. "Jessica?" "Yeah cam." "Thanks. I love you." "Love you too. And for what?" "For defending me and not leaving me." "I would never leave you for anyone else. You're the only one I love. I'll never leave you Babe. I love you." I kissed her. After a while it got intense. "Jess. I'm going to go home. I'm not feeling well right now." "Are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine I'm going to go home." "Alright I hope you feel better Babe. Love You." She said. I gave her a kiss and went downstairs. I texted Nash.

C-I'm heading over to Carter's. I'll call you if I need any help.

N-what's going on bro?

C- I'll explain later

N-ok good luck

I drive to Carter's house and it took him a while to answer. I looked through the window as he was coming. I couldn't believe him. He came down shirtless pulling his pants up.

"I can't believe you Carter! You tell MY girlfriend that you love her and instead your having sex with Mohaghany?" I said as she was headed down the stairs. "Wow. And to think I called you my best friend. Have a nice life Carter." I said. "Cameron. It's not what it looks like!" he said as I was headed to my car. "Really?! It doesn't look like you told Jessica you liked her 10 minutes ago and then go and have sex with your girlfriend? Ok then explain what it looks like." "Ok I was you know... But it's none of your business what I'm doing Cameron." "Really? You're telling my girlfriend to leave me because you love her. I don't think you really meant that. Because look at you. Having sex minutes after you tell someone to leave her boyfriend for you. You're sick Carter! SICK!" I said as I left his driveway. I was headed over to Nash's house. Jessica answering. "Cameron. What's wrong." I said panting. All of the action that happened really made me lightheaded so I sat down. Nash came down stairs and sat on the other side of me. "Jessica show Nash the texts." Nash read the text messages and you could tell he was angry. "Are you kidding me?!" he said grabbing his keys. "Nash calm down. I already went over there." "Did you physically touch him?" "No I can't. It's too much for me to handle." I said pointing to my injury. "Then let me go. I'll call you afterwards." "Ok careful. There's more to the story but I'll tell you when you come back." I said letting him walk out the door.

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